Here it is.......Ta~DA........
This is what I came up with for graphic 45 Steampunk Debutante paper line. I love the way this turned out. Very steampunk with springs and bottle openers and whatever else I could find to make this piece truly unique. This started as a nickel find at a garage sale. It was a candle holder with a lamp shade. Huh? I took it apart to make this stand for a paper mache dress form. I attached the two together and my creativity took off all on its own.

Do you know what these shoulders are? They are tim holtz's foundations~boxed feet. They are used for a base feet on boxes or I guess shoulders!

The back.........

closer look

even closer

the last spring!
So I hope you enjoyed my world of steampunk debutante.
I will be off the air till at least Sunday when all the festivities of Scrapfest finish up.
See ya!
Love them. I want one.
Tami was here and left a comment. You are friggen' awesome but you already knew that right Donna baby.
I am still speechless. WOWZER
ok now i know its great art keep doing what you do so well love mom
This is absolutely fabulous. I know I am reiterating the same superlatives but WOW! These dress forms are so COOL! I would love to try to make one. I have a technical question if you don't mind me asking - how do you attach the form to the base? I am so amazed by your talent!
Another Masterpiece! You Rock!
Oh WOW!!. LOVE LOVE your steampunk dress form!. The shoulder Tim Holtz metal feet is totally the coolest idea!. Great inspiration :).
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