Happy Valentine's Day!
I wanted to share this cute little teddy bear I did using Cosmo Cricket " Sweet Disposition"
If you want to learn more about this paper head to : http://cosmocricket.typepad.com/cosmo_cricket/2013/02/how-we-created-sweet-disposition.html
I have been busy trying to get some business finished, articles written, art done and out the door before packing my studio up. What fun this will be. I have 5 days to do this. Rick will be back on Monday to pick up the stuff here and up to the Rocky Mountain we will climb.
This will be a new journey for us. We are excited to get settled in. It is newly painted and just waiting for us to move our stuff in and make it home. I will have to re-learn to cook and bake as we will be at 7100 ft. That in itself should be fun!
So if you do not see much of me it is because I am unpacking and decorating our home!
Then getting my studio arranged and decorated for the most inspiration possible!
Thanks for hanging in there with me!
Meme, your stuff is gorgeous!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving the encouraging comment!