
Sunday, May 4, 2014

My May Tim Holtz Tag

I am way early doing my Tim Holtz May tag!

You can go to see Tim's tag HERE!

Normally I am more mid month, had some time yesterday after we took a drive thru the mountains. Some of the roads that are closed for the winter opened and we deciced to go for a drive to see what we could see! We did spot some deer and lots of little chipmunks, some beautiful birds. It was a wonderful day, with temps in the 70's and a gentle breeze.

Back to business........................

I started with the Size #10 manila tag. This is going to be bigger then Tim's tag.

I could not find my Rusty Hinge Distress was hiding, so here sat my Wendy Vecchi Archival ink Orange Blossom. So guess what...I used it! I use a wash rag to apply it, It is all about using what is on my desk at the time. (I did find my Rusty Hinge...image that, it was right where it was suppose to be!)

I actually did most of my prep before I did my background. I work backwards sometimes.
Here is how I laid it out on my tag before inking my tag. Of couse I used Tim's paper. I used Tim's 8 X 8 Paper Stash Menagerie.
As you can see I do not have the "beautiful shadow press" So I used what I had and I beleive it looks great!
I shoud have taken more pictures of the process was dark and the pictures would not have been that pretty. I did add some Spritz's from the Distress Marker Spritzer. I really liked how that added to the tag!

Here is the finished tag and I love it!
Just some close ups!
You can really see the spritz here

I love this stamp! It is my favorite and that is why I used the large tag, just so I could use this stamp! I found my feather and knew I wanted to use it also. The feather is from a Magpie. This tag is all about nature! I am super in love with this tag! Maybe I should do all my tags large.

What do thay say? Go BIG or go home!

Thanks for stopping.


  1. Holy Cow, Sistah-Friend! This is spectacular!!!!

  2. I just love it. I like that you were so creative putting natural things in it.

  3. Your May tag is absolutely beautiful. What a great collection you made.

  4. Oh that is fun, Tim is such a great inspiration and like the way you have given this your own spin

  5. Oh dear... LOVE your tag. You did a great job. I also very often prefer the bigger tags...thanks for sharing your art !!
    Hugs from Spain

  6. Girrrrllllll, this is stunning! LOVE it. Off to pin so I can check it out again another day.

  7. Great job! I love how you made it uniquely your own.

  8. I think it's great!! I love that dragonfly stamp too. =)

  9. Beautiful tale in May tag! Love it
