
Friday, January 31, 2014

Wild West Challenge!

Simon Says stamp challenge this week is........

Where the cowboy rides away!

Well what about the old west woman?

My challenge is for the woman of the west!

I wanted this to look like an old album, so I ruffed up the cardboard. 
I love the look of old worn vintage paper!
 I used Distress inks to achieve my old paper.

 Below I used Grungepaper and distress inks to achieve a leather look!
I think I achieved that!
 Lots of layers, I wanted it to appear as there were more pages. I love the page with the embossed stars. Do you see it there in the corner? A little post card popped in there and another page under that.

The tears and distressed edges in the grungepaper (leather) gives this a old vintage feel.
The whole page, hope you enjoyed my version of the old west!

Why not join in the challenge. Head over to Simon Says Stamps and check it out. 
Who knows you could be the next winner!

On another note....I will be crafting all week end in 2 days we have recieved over 30" of snow!
Oh the joys of living in the mountains!
Oh, by the way it is still snowing!

We have all this snow and it is still snowing! I'm freezing! Go to look at temp in house 58. Furnace is not working. Hubby to the rescue soon!Snowed so much that it covered the flew and the furnace shut down! Yep, sitting here thinking why is it so cold in here? Well I go check it was 58, so clicked the heat up and nothing.....notta! So hubby had to come home to clean off the area around the flew on the roof. I am starting to thaw out. It is getting warmer!

Stay warm!


  1. Wow! So beautiful! I love everything about this!

  2. I love your page oh wow now you have the hamster turning in the wheel!
    I love this. Thanks so much for the incredible inspiration.
    susan s

  3. I love this, so glad I found you via "allthingstim".

  4. Distress western goodness! Have fun creating all weekend and I hope you stay warm. =)

  5. Very detailed gorgeous piece. You can see all your hard work.

  6. Oh dear... This is truly fabolous. Very vintage feeling you achieved. You are very talented. Thanks a lot for sharing.
    Hugs from SPAIN

  7. What a gorgeous piece! Love the vintage and distressed look! What a great tribute! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  8. Lovely piece, the distressed and aged feel is wonderful. I also love the brackets used at the edge . Lovely design and wonderful layers of interest. Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Tracy x

  9. This is gorgeous! Fabulous idea to make it look like an old album. Great textures and a wonderful rustic feeling. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

  10. Awesome - love the women of the west! Congratulations!
