
Thursday, January 16, 2014

January Tag!

It's January and that means it's TIME for 
Tim Holtz's 12 tags of 2014

Here is Tim's tag and his blog, if you want to check it out!

Here is mine! 
I had to change mine a bit from his. 
Do you see the difference?

Let me tell you what I did........
                            I do not have this die, (sad face here) so I had to MAKE one.
                                                                                   That's right, MAKE ONE!
                             You know, get out the pencils and round shapes and make my own!
 So this is the start of my tag. Not to bad, if I do say so myself!
 So instead of the foil tape around the die, I exchanged it for some paint. I used a grey metallic.
                                         Still looks pretty good! The center is still with the foil.
 I did some extra shading on my painted die. Added my metal and adhered it down with Glossy Accents.
 I also added some bronze metallic paint in some areas. I really like how that looks.
Added my own words that apply to the new year for me!
I plan to find a new journey and leave the old one behind. Those that know me, know the struggles the last few years have brought. This is a New Year and things are going to happen, I will soar in 2014!
I also did not have the background stencil that Tim used, so I used Tim's Dot Fade stencil instead.
Freshly spattered!

 What else is different?
I changed sides, his pocket watch is on the other side.
 Oh I also added on of his metal corners. I painted it and sanded a bit off, then added just a bit of the bronze metallic to it.

 Here it is complete and close up. Now remember this was hand cut not a die cut.
                       Extra shading and new words that applied to me!
                                     I hope you enjoyed  my version of Tim's tag!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. So cool how you burned the ticket. And so so Cool on how you made your own watch! Thanks for the directions. I would frame this, I really do Love this tag!

  2. Oh you are so clever. And you are absolutely right : many dies can be handcut. I just adore your tag. Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs from Spain

  3. Great tag Donna: Love how you've made it your own and all the little touches you've added.
    hugs from France

  4. I think you tag turned out wonderfully and I admire your skill at hand cutting the pocket watch.

  5. Awesome tag Donna! I think you did a great job with the first tag of 2014! Vickie

  6. Great take on Tim's tag. You did a wonderful job.

  7. Oh my Donna, that is amazing! I didn't notice it wasn't his till I took another look. Fantastic!
