
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 4

Day 4 of class!

I thought I had glossy paper, if I do I can't find it anywhere! It definitely is not where it is suppose to be!

Tim did you take my glossy paper for school today? LOL!

For me to run out and get more supplies is not an easy task! I live up in the mountains and the
closest place is about 2 1/2 to 3 hours away. That is if the roads are good! Today we have had
a few flurries and some ice pellets. So glossy paper is going to have to wait. Along with glitter from
yesterday. Never did I think I would say I need glitter. I have a love hate relationship with glitter!

Okay I did do a couple things though!

I made a card with the tinsel and a alcohol inked plaquette. Also inked a domino and then stamped over it. I will practice this as it was a bit slippery!
(Slippery little sucker) 

What movie was that from?

Pretty Woman. Okay just had to say that.

Here is another look at my card!
See you tomorrow at school!


  1. Me too! I couldn't find min so I improvised and used foil tape. Had fun anyway xx Michelle

  2. Wow! Your work is stunning!!!! This is absolutely fabulous! (I'm so behind!)

  3. I know exactly what you mean about the glitter... I never thought I'd be "needing" glitter but oh how I do now ;)
    Such a stunning card too, love the photo tinting :)

  4. Your card is stunning!
    I also ordered some glitter and like Lee, I didn't know it could have been possible ;) :D

  5. Beautiful work! I can't believe I need more glitter and more embossing material. I love your little notes!

  6. Fabulous pieces. Hope you'll find your glossy paper soon :)

  7. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I really enjoyed yours. I rarely use glitter and an pink phobic. However I was treated to a set of Distress Paints which include pink so I used it when Tim did and found it not too pretty at all. Grungy distressed pink i like, amazing. A pity the classes have finished but now I can be even more creative with all this inspiration, it has even got me blogging!

  8. Lovely piece! So much texture! Hope you find your glossy paper soon!!

  9. I laughed at your photo! So sorry it is too far to run to the store for glossy paper but you certainly got Tim's attention with your note!
