
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Challenge- Rustification

Rustification.........Hmmmmm.....I can Rusty! Or at least I can make it look rusty.

Simon Says Stamp and Show has a CHALLENGE so here goes......

Let's give it a try.......I CAN do this!

What happens when you take masking tape, a heat gun, distress embossing powder?

Here it is....A rusty Crypt..Look the trick or treaters are passing by.

 Hope they don't stop in.........
Here is the SPOOKY inside!

 This is the ONLY time glue strings are a GOOD thing!
 Mr Bones wants to meet you! He really does........Check out that changes!
 More pictures......this was made from a wood pencil box.
 Here is a really good one of the Lenticular face!
 Check out this spider and her web!
 Mr Bones up close and personal!
Thanks for stopping by.........leave a comment and tell me did I make it RUSTY? 


  1. This is really cool, I like it...scary !!!

  2. Great creation! Hard to believe it started out as a plain old pencil box.

  3. What a clever and imaginative use of a pencil box! Love the detail of the children passing by on the front. And the glue string spider web! And yes, you certainly made it "rusty" :)

  4. Very cool! You did an awesome job on your rust as well as your crypt!
