
Monday, January 2, 2012


I have been busy! I know, it does not look like it by the looks of my postings! The holidays came and went so fast. I made almost every gift I gave this year. Yep! i am pretty proud of that!

I made tons of ornaments! Had great fun soldering! I forgot how much I like to solder. I have painted, made cards and now I am back on the Altered Alice design team. I have a custom order of 12 cards that I had to make and get in the mail. Done! Now I am working on my next project for the Altered Alice and I am starting to write another article for a magazine. More on that later. That is hush, hush!

I will keep this updated much more. It is one of my goals for the year. I just get caught up in the art and forget to blog about it. If you guys could see everything I do you would be amazed and ask why didn't you put that on the blog, oh and that too, and get what I mean. I just get to wrapped up in it.

I will leave you with a few pictures.

We all need Thank you cards in January, right?
These two are made with 7 gypsies Lille 6X6. I bought this a while ago and have not had a chance to play with it, so it turned into some nice thank you cards. Of course I need to distress each one. Everyone knows I need to distress pretty much every little thing! Thank goodness for Ranger/Tim Holtz/Stampers Anonymous.
Not a great picture but you get the idea. I only made 2 Christmas cards this year and this is one of them.
Yes, shame on me!
I will be back on Thursday and show you some ornaments! Hey they were also on Ranger's facebook page!

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