
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I will always LOVE you!

Hey Dad this one's for you!
My Dad taught me how to laugh at myself and with others!

(and those of you who know me know I like to laugh!)
My Dad taught me how to fish!

I can bait my own hook even still to this day.
No worm is to squirmy or leech to slimy not for me.


My Dad let me get my 1st pets.

(even if I put it in a waffle cone)

I brought a puppy home and told him it costed for free!

I got the puppy!

My Dad let me dress up!

                             But I think Mom had to OKAY it!

My Dad let me walk and talk in his shoes!
My dad walked me down the aisle to get married.


Yep! I love my Dad!   and he loves ME!
[23.jpg] God saved some amazing wings for this angel!
Rest in Peace dear Dad, you will be missed! Thanks for the special memories! I will always cherish your Dr Appointments.....they were the best days. Afternoon drives, talks and most.......the time spent with you!
I love you!

1 comment:

  1. You have all my sympathies. I lost my mom a while ago and I will never be the same. I am so glad you have a lifetime of wonderful memories of your father. I hope you will find comfort and healing in the days ahead; we are thinking of you. Big squeezy hugs!
