
Monday, June 13, 2011

Good News!

I have been published!

Funny how I found out. I was reading some emails from a "all things tim" group and a lady was talking to the group about the Somerset Studio Gallery summer 2011. she proceeded to say that there was some artist (ha get that artist) named Donna Budzynski that did a mini Halloween book that had some neat ideas and inspiration. Whoa......she was talking about me!

So that is how I found out. I have moved twice since I sent that mini book in, changed my phone number. (T-mobile does not work well in Co) And had to get a new email address because if you do not have comcast you can't keep your email address. WHAT? So they could not get a hold of me even if they tried.

So needless to say I was bouncing off the walls Friday night and could not sleep. I was up first thing in the morning and was at Barnes and Noble to get my copy. (or 2 or 3)

Thanks Somerset Studios for choosing me! With all the Art they get a day it is amazing to me that I have been lucky enough to be chosen each time I have submitted.

So do you want to see some pictures? sure you do! Who reads the blogs anyway? It's all about the pictures not the articles!

I will show you the cover, that was in the article, but I will only show you the pages that were not printed. If you want to see them you will have to take a gander in the Somerset Studio Gallery. But there is some pretty good stuff here.

Paper is Cosmo Cricket Haunted. Lovvvve this paper! Lots of distress inks, crackle paint, gears, pins, memo pin, elastic.....and much much more......

1st page

2nd page

3rd page

4th page

9th page

11th page

12th page

13 th page?      back cover   Scary?

Let me know what you think I would love to know! Comments always appreciated!

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. FANTASTIC, and you ARE an artist!!! I hope I get to the next town while this is still on the newstand, so I can show it to everyone and tell them how I know you, hahaha! CONGRATULATIONS, and what a funny way to find out. They usually send a free issue when you are published, so some clueless person who lives at one of your old addresses is wondering why they got that magazine, LOL! KUDOS to you, your artwork is ALWAYS inspiring!

  2. Contrats on being published again! What a pleasant surprise. I love what you've displayed....I love putting mini books together too. Yours is fantastic! There's so much to see.

  3. Congratulations on your Halloween book being published!

    It's quite obvious why as this wee creepy creation is completely AWESOME!

    I love the phrase about grandmothers pretending, and am so very impressed with the entire book!

    Have a great weekend Meme! I can't wait to see what you do next!

  4. Way to go Donna. I miss you. I love your art. You rock. Hope you are happy in CO.
