
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Celebrate Mad Hatter Day with a MAD TEA PARTY - Week 3

Look what I have brought to the tea party!
Don't they look simply scrumptious?
Tea Cakes, yummy!
Tea sandwiches!

Our generous sponsor this month is The Artistic Stamper.
They are offering a£15 pound voucher for The Artistic Stamper stamps! They have a WONDERFUL online store that offers free worldwide shipping on orders over £35 and they carry loads of my favorite brands. The Artistic Stamper Creative Team Blog offers amazing inspiration and interesting challenges, so be sure to visit! Jennie has kindly provided our design team with the Mabel Lucie Attwell Mad Hatter Stamp for our projects this month. It will be interesting to see how everyone applies their own style and vision to the same image!

My project for the Tea Party is my little Tea Lamp.

I think this is still in the works, I like how it looks.....but....I think I want to find some tea cup charms to hang around the lamp shade. I did try to use some trim, but it was not doing it for me. Was a bit to much!
I have taken the Stamp that was provided by The Artistic Stamper and stamped it onto tissue paper. I then colored the image using watercolor pencils. I then applied fluid matte medium (Golden) to the tissue and to the shade, smoothed it on. I also stamped sayings onto tissue and added those also to the shade.
Here it is lit and not lit. I like it both ways.

                                                                          Lit close up
                                                                    Sayings close up
                                                                      More Sayings
                                                                     Not lit close up
Keep your eyes peeled at garage and estates sales. This was a $2.00 brand new light.

Now if you started here, I want you go to the Altered Alice blog and check out what the other designers did with the same stamp!

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