
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chapter 1 - Week 3 Changes in form or Dress forms

"Alice crouched down among the trees as well as she could, for her neck kept getting entangled among the branches, and every now and then she had to stop and untwist it. After a while she remembered that she still held the pieces of mushroom in her hands, and she set to work very carefully, nibbling first at one and then at the other, and growing sometimes taller and sometimes shorter, until she had succeeded in bringing herself down to her usual height.

It was so long since she had been anything near the right size, that it felt quite strange at first; but she got used to it in a few minutes, and began talking to herself, as usual. `Come, there's half my plan done now! How puzzling all these changes are! I'm never sure what I'm going to be, from one minute to another!"

-- Chapter 5, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Well, just like Alice we have been through a change in location and changed form from weekly to monthly, but the challenge chapters remain familiar despite all these puzzling changes!

Here is how the new monthly challenge will work:

1st Sunday of the month: The new challenge will be posted with the link tool, and a few of the design team samples will be posted.

2nd Sunday: Additional design team samples will be posted.

3rd Sunday: The last of the design team samples will be posted.

Last Sunday of the month: A winner will be announced and some of your projects may be given an "honorable mention".

We are starting a week early with the February challenge because we didn't want to leave you with a gap, so we will spread the design team samples over four weeks and the winner will be announced on February 27th. You have a whole month to submit your creations, so we are hoping that a lot more of you will decide to play along!
To reflect all these puzzling changes, the challenge is to make something that features a dress form, OR to make something that changes in form! While it is not required that your project include Alice in Wonderland, we do encourage it. If your project does feature Wonderland you will get two chances in the prize drawing instead of one!
And now for the big news - STAMPOTIQUE ORIGINALS is sponsoring our first challenge with a $30 gift certificate for one lucky winner, and their design team is going to play along! Be sure to visit their Stampotique Designer's Challenge blog where you can play every week! They are famous for artist Daniel Torrente's quirky characters, but they actually have many artists and quite a few different styles. Jo Capper-Sandon is my favorite with her wonderful mushrooms, and other lines include Janet Klein's flower characters (click next a few times to see them) that remind me of the garden of living flowers! There is something to please everyone at Stampotique Originals!
Here is my inspiration for you:

First up is my Stampotique Sweetie who has gone through some changes, she started pretty simple then she added some be the judge!

This beauty is called "Gooseneck" just so you know.....I love her!
This is where Gooseneck changes a bit.
These are the 1st thru 4th..........
1st Gooseneck is very plain, 2nd a bit more daring with her make-up and the dress has a iridescent color added. Now the 3rd, she is getting a little sassy one might say...darker eye shadow and her dress with sequins and glitz. But we get to the 4th she is getting even more color......and by the 5th......
She is totally rockin' it! Gooseneck has her gauze dress with glitz, added her heavy metal and that hair piece was just for her!
This is the inside of the card. I figure you could say Congratulations, you have come a long way!
 I had so much fun with this stamp from Stampotique Originals, I will have another one for you next week! Yep, next Sunday I will be working with Moth Fab!
Please give Stampotique a visit, it is worth your time!

On to my next is a 5X7 collage
 I thought it would be fun to know why Alice was LATE, it's because she was still in the shower and had not gotten dressed yet. You see it is still hanging on the dress form waiting for her to get dressed. (like many of us women getting ready, we need just enough extra time to fluff) So I started with a board and started to layer by layer add little things to create depth and wonder. I have paint, tissue paper, stamps, rub-ons, drawings, paper, marker all layered on. The dress I used paper and cut it out and then layered the apron over it. I added a tissue paper ruffle to the bottom of the dress. After all done it was time to wax this baby and add my metal findings. Of course a butterfly was a must, Cheshire Cat, but of course. Then a metal A for Alice and a key. Now you have my piece for this challenge.
 Close up of the rabbit
 Cheshire Cat in a Tim Holtz plate
A clock with a metal A

I hope you have enjoyed my interpretation of this weeks challenge. I know I have. I really enjoyed working with my new Gooseneck Stamp. I love her....did I tell you that already?
Thank you Stampotique Originals for sharing!

Thanks for hopping by. I really appreciate it! Really I do!


  1. Donna, you have really outdone yourself with these challenge inspiration projects, because I can assure you that I have been totally inspired! Your Stampotique card is so funny and clever, but the collage just takes my breath away it is so beautiful, and the story of why Alice is late is so much fun! Thanks SO MUCH for being part of The Altered Alice!

  2. WOW! These are amazing, Donna! Your stampotique skirt totally comes to life and your coloring is just fabulous on ALL of them! GORGEOUS projects!

  3. Wow, you've been very creative, wonderful Alice pieces.

  4. Wow Donna you have been very busy, love your creative pieces. The dress on the first one is very creative the way we see it develop over the pages. Love Alice's dress on your second creation and the story too LOL. Tracy Evans x

  5. you are amazing grunge woman. love both of your projects.
