
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What have I been doing?

I have not posted this week, ummmmm, been busy?
I have been working on so many things, somethings we (I) forget to stop and play show and tell.
I have to work on that!

I have been consumed in this ATC I am working on. The goof ball that I am, decided I should stamp, color, and cut out each and everyone. No big deal, right? Do you see the area near her head, little piece by her hand and dress, the even littler piece by her cape and broom. Yep cutting all that out also.

So, are you wondering why is this lady working on a witch when Halloween has passed? Because my ATC group is getting together this month and everyone is assigned a month and we will then make a calendar out of the ATC's. Cool, huh? October is my month. So I have most of these cut out now...but it has been time consuming.

Then I have glimmer misted, distress inked, stamped, distressed again then make the background for the ATC's. But I am not showing you the finished project, at least not till next week.
I have also been working on some mixed media, painting.........his body started as book pages.

Same here.......don't like this one....but have to share the good with the bad.
Messing with words around the tree.......Just like to see how things is the only way you find out!
So there ya have a small peek into what has kept me from posting.....Well, a small peek is right cuz my desk looks like a bomb went off. I think I have 20 projects going all at the same time.
Anybody else do this? Or is it just me?
Thanks for stopping!
Have a creative day and go make a smile!


  1. Haven't started mine but I have ideas. Donna your October ATC is stunning.

  2. really excited Donna to see you and your beautiful art. I miss you and NO I haven't started the ATCs yet. I better get busy.
