
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Having Fun in Colorado

No art today, sorry.......................But, we are having fun here in Colorado!
Today Farris, Chris and I went to the Children's Museum of Denver. Farris had a blast. It was geared for the toddlers and she was climbing, as she loves to do. She climbed a tree, went down the rabbit hole, and played with squirrels. But her absolute favorite was the bubble room! We were in there the longest. To be honest I think I enjoyed it as much as she did.

Here she was laughing so hard!

Garden of the Gods was on Sunday. We all had a fabulous time.

Here are a few picture from Sunday!
Hope you enjoy the views!

Thanks for stopping by........Will see you soon!


  1. Looks like a fun time. Enjoy the beautiful weather.

  2. it really looked good seeing you guys haveing so much fun and enjoying ever min. of it it was great seeing you happy again love mom and dad
