
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where have I been?

Where oh where have I been?
I have been here .............quite a few times since the last time I blogged.
Where is is Colorado. I have been around horses......mountains......dust...dirt.
Do baby horses teethe? Looks like it to me.

Best pizza I ever, ever, ever had........
Raspberry, chipotle drizzle, chicken, spinach, oh yummmm!
Some change of address envelope art......
Last one
Last note......I am going to be published again.........Very soon.!
More notes on that soon, I will keep you posted.
Life is hectic and busy right now, I hope
to be back to normal (whatever normal is) soon.

Thanks to those of you have hung on and still check my blog!


  1. so glad to read you are still alive. love your envies. how long will u be in town? I'd love to see you soon grunge woman. I miss you and that's wicked miss u.

    congrats on getting published again. woo hoo.

  2. Yes, I still check. I was rewarded today with an update. Let us know as plans develop. It's great to see the travels and the art work.

  3. Wanted to tell you I loved the pictures. I love animals and your envelope art is COOL beans grunge woman. Coolio!!
