
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Halloween in Wonderland complete?

Well for the most part it is done. This will be a very long post, so go grab some tea and crumpets and join me here for some grungy goodness!

I did retake pictures of all of the pages, only because the others were not that good. I guess I should use the PC not the netbook to work on my blog. The pictures were good on my netbook, but when I looked on my PC, yuck!

With no more interruptions here goes...........

tag in between page
Check out the bling on that finger!

page in between page

other side of page

This is the page I am waiting for something to dry before I put it on.
So the above page is not done.
Something on this page is still in waiting also.

The End!
I hope you enjoyed my little trip into
Halloween in Wonderland.
I did.
And I sure appreciated all the kind comments that have been left.
So a big THANKS to all of you!
If you have any questions about what, where and how, just shoot me a e-mail and I will try and help. Well you guys have exhausted me, so I am off to start something new.
Have a great week!
PS.......I am leaving this blog alone for the rest of the week.......this post was worth a week of posts.


  1. Oh Donna. You have really outdone yourself on this one. I LOVE how it came out. You are so talented. Can't wait to touch and see it. Micheal's has some cool new things that are pretty inexpensive and there is a new Archiver's coupon out that you need for your next assignment. Ha ha. I can't believe you have it done. Amazingly COOL and Wicked awesome. You GO grunge woman.

  2. I LOVE it Donna! Of course...birds of a feather....Fabulous work. And thanks for sharing.
    I know the feeling of taking the rest of the week off....whew!

    Your Friend in ART,

  3. Wow! Wow! Wow! Your book is stunning! My friend Tami told me about your book and I had to stop by to see it. I am so glad that I did. I also *love* your tray. Your work is awesome.


  4. Donna, this is so amazing and inspiring! Would you allow me to feature this on The Altered Alice? Ditto with the fab tray? I would post just a few of the pictures, talk about what I loved about it, and send them back to your blog for all the details. Please please please?

    I am so glad you are part of our Oh, Alice! team this month, I just cringe to think I might not have found your blog otherwise! Thanks so much for the inspiration! Please let me know - there is an email link on the left sidebar at The Altered Alice.
