
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I thought I would do something fun.

I had purchased this travel case on sale and put it on the shelf for future use. Well I looked at it and thought this line of "on holiday" from "the girls' paperie" would work on this. I thought how fun to add feathers and a flower.

I cut up the piece of paper with all the stamps on it and adhered them down on the sides and part of the front of the case.
So there you have it, a girls fun case.Have a great day!

It is another warm one here today! Not as humid as yesterday, however still very warm. 95 and humid yesterday was a little to much for May.

Hope it is a fabulous spring day where you are.

1 comment:

  1. donna that case is so cool you are so good on doing things do not know where it comes from not me ha you and your sis has got it all love mom
