
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Flowers 4 me?

I got flowers. They are so pretty!
Why did I get flowers?
Because it is my anniversary.
Wow 29 years, where did the time go?
Thanks Honey.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Halloween in May?

Sharing a little fun!

October in May?

Yes, I have moved on to halloween fun! I love halloween and I have had this in my head for a while and he came out today. Well not so much just today, but yesterday 2. Jack is coming alive the more I layer, the more he dances. I am falling in love with him.
I am adding a very special piece of memorabilia to this piece and a few others that I am doing. Did I hear you ask what is it? It is the door knob plate that makes up Jack's body. This knob plate is one that came out of the Extreme Makeover house in St. Paul. I have a few of the knob plates that were going to be disposed of and Rick was great enough to nab them up for me.
So here is Jack, in his beginning stages and I will share him as he comes alive with more layers and some paint and whatever my art groove puts out.
I am also working on a witch that will compliment him or be great all by herself.
Well back to work I go. Hope you enjoyed my special sneak peek.
I just had to share!
Have a great day!
Enjoy art!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I thought I would do something fun.

I had purchased this travel case on sale and put it on the shelf for future use. Well I looked at it and thought this line of "on holiday" from "the girls' paperie" would work on this. I thought how fun to add feathers and a flower.

I cut up the piece of paper with all the stamps on it and adhered them down on the sides and part of the front of the case.
So there you have it, a girls fun case.Have a great day!

It is another warm one here today! Not as humid as yesterday, however still very warm. 95 and humid yesterday was a little to much for May.

Hope it is a fabulous spring day where you are.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Flowers for Mom!

Just had to share these beauties from my daughter Chris.

These are the good things!

I have fallen for the new line of papers from "the girls' paperie" by Margie. I have been making all different kinds of cards and projects. I will be sharing more as the days go by.

Here a a few of the cards that I have made.
I love double sided paper, it's like getting two for the price of one.

Card #1 ~ Hello

Same card different shot.

Card #2 ~ Did you know.......

You are priceless! (inside of card above)
Card #3 ~ hi!

That's it for today.

Hope you enjoyed our time together! Have a great day!

Off to go make more STUFF!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Be Brave

Be brave........that means so much right now.
I have done so many brave things in the last few
months. Some for my family and now something
for me.

It's all good!

Working on new projects!

I will show you something I put together for my daughter.

Here is the picture of Farris with the bunny.

This was so fun!

Enjoy your day!

Go make some art, I am.