
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mini book

Here is a mini book that I have shown before, but now I have added the pictures.
Cover flower is made with a coffee filter and a pearl in the center set on top of some vintage music sheets.

Love these pictures of Farris!

Papa's big old hand on that little tiny baby.

For whatever reason this child loves to sit under or in things!
She loves to be under this toy rather then in it!
Just cute!

Mommy and Farris!
I don't know if you can see that the dog is on top of
Farris in her chair, as the other dog is in her car seat.

Well that's it for today!

More tomorrow. Later in the day as it is nice here.
Go make a smile!


  1. Adorable scrapbook. Adorable baby.

  2. cute scrapbook but that Farris is so cute she makes the book

  3. love the book and farris. I want to see both NOW!! happy 77 degrees. woo hoo.
