
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mini book

Here is a mini book that I have shown before, but now I have added the pictures.
Cover flower is made with a coffee filter and a pearl in the center set on top of some vintage music sheets.

Love these pictures of Farris!

Papa's big old hand on that little tiny baby.

For whatever reason this child loves to sit under or in things!
She loves to be under this toy rather then in it!
Just cute!

Mommy and Farris!
I don't know if you can see that the dog is on top of
Farris in her chair, as the other dog is in her car seat.

Well that's it for today!

More tomorrow. Later in the day as it is nice here.
Go make a smile!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

travel journal

My specialty mini is a mini book I have been working on. It is a travel journal.
The flaps you see open and you can put notes, receipts, memorabilia in them.

See the large binder? You can use it to hold larger pieces of memorabilia

See the flower on the right side....I used my I-top to make it. I like my new tool. I think it works better with fabric though.
I like this page also.

The end!

I am a little under the weather, so not to much writing today. Just wanted to share this with you.

Have a great day!

Make some one smile, it is a good thing!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Remember a few posts ago I won these items from Margie?
These stamps.

And this paper.

I made her a thank you card!
I think it is pretty darn cute.

What do you think?

I took her paper and turned it into fabric! I copied her paper and put it in my printer!
So I made this!
and this..................

The inside, I crumbled up some paper and turned it into a ribbon, stamped her clock that appears to hang from the ribbon. Then the fabric I made from her papers..................
I made a pillow!
How fun is this? Really, really fun!

One step further I sequined the mannequin.

Hope you enjoyed this post.
See ya soon.
Remember make someone smile, it's a good thing!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Birthday

We interrupt this blog for a very important message today.
Sorry no art today!
Someone very special turned 81 today so this is for him.
My Dad taught me how to laugh at myself and with others!

(and those of you who know me know I like to laugh!)

My Dad taught me how to fish!

I can bait my own hook even still to this day.

No worm is to squirmy or leech to slimy not for me.

My Dad let me get my 1st pets.
(even if I put it in a waffle cone)

I brought a puppy home and told him it costed for free!

I got the puppy!

My Dad let me dress up!

But I think Mom had to OKAY it!

My Dad let me walk and talk in his shoes!

My dad walked me down the aisle to get married.

Yep! I love my Dad!

Happy 81st Birthday Dad!

I love you!

Go ahead everybody wish my Dad a Happy Birthday!

I dare you!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wall decor for stampers

One more wall hanging.
I made this one for my friend Kristen. She is one mad stamper!
So here you go Kris, I did not want you to have to bust out your sewing machine.
This wall decor includes a stamp pad. You can see it here in the close up.

It also includes a mini adhesive and real rubber stamps.

Yeah it is a little over the top, but if you knew Kris you would understand.

Are you laughing yet Kris?

That's it for tonight.

I made someone smile now it's your turn.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Material Girl

I was inspired today by the Cosmo Cricket Material Girl paper.
So this is what I came up with!

A wall hanging for my sister who sews beautiful clothing for children.
She makes these amazing dresses and blouse and pant sets for young girls. Her blog is listed on the side, Caterpillar Creations. However she is worse at blogging then I am. But she has an excuse...........she is always sewing!

Anyway back to the wall hanging.......................
I think it came out pretty cute!

A few close cute is the little spool of thread? Pretty darn cute.

One more close up of the wall hanging.......Yep that is a real zipper, I can say I have officially sewn a zipper!

Sew I used everything from Cosmo Cricket Except for the zipper,spools of thread,needles,needle threader, even the boards are from Cosmo Cricket. Oh did you see the cute mini clothespins I made up top? Sew cute.

Well there you go that is the project for today. I will post more tomorrow eve.

Thanks for stopping by!

Stop reading and go make someone smile!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Check this out!

It's Sunday and I am here!

Look what I received in the mail on Saturday!
It was a package from Margie Romney-Aslett!
If you don't know who she is.......Margie used to work for Making Memories and last year they parted ways and now she has her own line.
It is called "the girls' paperie" by Margie.

How fun is this.........................
I was lucky enough to win on her blog, she has sent me...............
beautiful papers, a pink bag and..................
a stamp set that she has designed...........................I really, really love this. So me!
Here is the whole pack!
Some papers and more................................
papers and more...............................
Margie sent me one of each of her new papers for both of her new lines. I love them before I had them in my hands, but now I really love them!
I can see this is going to be a lasting relationship.
Thanks Margie!
You will be hearing from me.
For those of you who know me and those of you who don't.....................

Okay done sharing, gotta get to work on those darn ATC's. Due Wednesday! Ruth Anne are you done with yours?
Tami? Okay Cindy how about you? Erin is, Jan is.....Lauri?, Carolyn?
Off I go!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another layer & ATC's

Another gloomy day here in Minnesota with rain and I heard thunder today. Must mean spring is here, right? The real sign was the other day.......................
Smell of SKUNK!

I have always said spring is here when you smell the first skunk.
I have officially smelled skunk!

Today I started to cut out some bunnies, carrots and birds, I have my monthly ATC meeting next Wednesday and I need to get these done. So I have some of the elements together, but have not got a clue how it is going together. It will come, I hope.

I have at least 9 more to cut out so that gives me plenty of time to ponder.

I will do this while trying to decide what to have on.............Idol or Survivor?

Idol kinda sucks right now so I am leaning towards Survivor.

Well I put another layer on my painting today. She has almost come to a close. I am pondering a few more little things and a little more color on her face and then I must say she is ready to be waxed.
Well that's it for today. I don't think I will post tomorrow as I have little miss Farris and my James and Clara are coming for a overnight-er. Boy I am I going to be tired.

See ya soon! Thanks for your comments.

Check back oh let's say Sunday!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Post 3?

Gloomy day here in Minnesota, thick clouds, light rain. Good day to have my happy light and stay in to paint!

So are you proud of me? 3 posts, 3 days. What is up with that? I think my happy light is working!

So this is what you were looking at yesterday..............

Here she is this morning..................
I will finish her up today and she will visit you tomorrow!

happy day!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Springtime pots, grunge style!

How about some springtime pots!

Grunge style!

This project was inspired by my friend Lynn. She is so talented. Not to be confused with my other talented friend Lynn. This Lynn I get to see now and then. The other one not so much.

Just take some of these inexpensive potting pots...........

Turn them into these...........

This one is done by adding Ranger's distress crackle paint (rock candy) when dry rub with distress iink rusty hinge. I loved the way this one turned out. It looks rusty. I added a grungeboard element and stamped it.

This one is done with shabby shutters and rubbed with vintage photo. Stamped a flower on muslin and water colored it. Snap in center.

This one was done with spiced marmalade crackle paint, then rubbed with vintage photo. I do scratch off a little of the crackle to give it that shabby look. I added a torn sheet of music, wrap with twine and added a grunge bunny, button.

This one I used rock candy again but I added crushed olives distress inks to this one. Kind of gives it a patina look to it. Add lace and buttons.

Here they are together. Not a great picture my batteries were wearing out and I wanted to get all the pictures taken.

Well I have been drawing more of my doll pictures and have been painting up a storm. Here is one sketch that I am looking forward to painting very soon. I love Halloween and this one is going to be fun.
This one is almost done. She is so cute. Check out her monkey she will be holding as soon as she gets a hand.

That's it. Hope you enjoyed!
I hope you were able to go see me at Studio 490's blog yesterday. Kinda like being a guest but not. Lots and lots of nice comments, thanks Wendy!
Off to go paint................. if I don't I will not have things to share.
Off you go...................
Make someones day with a smile!