
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Skirt is done!

Remember back in elementary school when we used tissue paper and stuck them on paper to make flowers and filled in circles with them? (or am I showing my age?) Do you remember that as being fun? I did! Till now!

I put these so close together it took forever! I was up late and up early. I finally finished this. It took me longer to do this, then it took to do the whole rest of the skirt including taking the waistband off a pair of jeans. What was I thinking? Here it is on the dress form. Decked out with an altered jacket and a t-shirt that says...

Friends don't let friends crop alone. This is just another shot of the whole outfit.
Kinda cute.........some of the retreat guests came in the store to check this out and said this is very Project Runway. I guess they had a show a few weeks back where they had to make something out of newspaper. Well I think I certainly went out of the box for this one. A paper skirt out of scrapbook paper? What next?
Well that's all folks! I am off to dream of tissue paper flowers.
Have a great day and don't forget..... create art or smile, they both go along way.
(I know I said that the other day)
But it is true!


  1. this is great Donna. You are so clever.

  2. Donna - I would have gone crazy making all those flowers. But it looks great. Is it up in Pine City?

  3. Thanks Ruth Ann! Yes it is up in Pine City. Imagine this..........I
    drove straight to it, I did not even get lost! Yeah me!

  4. Donna you are AWSOME!!! It is so spectacular in person!!! So many great comments on it!

  5. Oooohhh the skirt is soooo beautiful! I couldn't even imagine what or how she was going to make this skirt! She really knocked herself out! I love it!!!!! You rock Donna!
