
Friday, October 30, 2009

Watch this!

Happy Halloween!

Watch our video made special for you!
Featuring my grandchildren, James, Clara, Farris
and Rick my hubby and yours truly.
Have fun!
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Skirt is done!

Remember back in elementary school when we used tissue paper and stuck them on paper to make flowers and filled in circles with them? (or am I showing my age?) Do you remember that as being fun? I did! Till now!

I put these so close together it took forever! I was up late and up early. I finally finished this. It took me longer to do this, then it took to do the whole rest of the skirt including taking the waistband off a pair of jeans. What was I thinking? Here it is on the dress form. Decked out with an altered jacket and a t-shirt that says...

Friends don't let friends crop alone. This is just another shot of the whole outfit.
Kinda cute.........some of the retreat guests came in the store to check this out and said this is very Project Runway. I guess they had a show a few weeks back where they had to make something out of newspaper. Well I think I certainly went out of the box for this one. A paper skirt out of scrapbook paper? What next?
Well that's all folks! I am off to dream of tissue paper flowers.
Have a great day and don't forget..... create art or smile, they both go along way.
(I know I said that the other day)
But it is true!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Paper Skirt?

Yes, that is what I said. I am making a paper patchwork skirt for my LSS. The owner has this really neat antique dress form and she wanted to dress it and put it in her store. So....I thought how cute would it be if the form had a paper skirt. So far it is turning out okay this is just a peek at it. I must add buttons and maybe some bling or something over the top.
Update on Hilda the Witch..................She found a broomstick and has left me and went to a new home where she will be loved. Thank you all about your inquires about her.
Just a short post.
Remember to create something or at least give someone a smile, they both go a long way!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cosmo Cricket Halloween Cards

I don't do many cards, however I do think these came out pretty darn cute.
This is Mr Bones and he is ready to go haunting for candy.

This is the inside of Mr Bones. No guts, just a happy Halloween note.
This is my Ghouls card, lots of 1 inch squares going on here. Then I pop dotted the Oh Ghouls up off of the squares.
This is the inside of Oh Ghouls.
Have I ever told you I LOVE my Tim Holtz Stapler "tiny attacher" Love, Love, Love it! I think this would be one of my staples that I have to have. HA! No pun intended!
And my final Boo!
Spider and Web cut out with my Slice. I have to say I love my Slice also!
That's it! Pretty simple blogging.
Go create something creepy and share!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's over!

I loved all the signs. On the Morris family sign and the thanks TJB sign, they used glitter so they just stood out so nice when then sun reflected off them.
Moments before the bus was moved.
It was a nail biter even for Farris!

Final tape before handing over the key.

Look Mom turned her back for a minute and see what sister does! Bottle of water over the head! No autographed hat was damaged, the cover was on the bottle.
I wish I could show you more, but we can't! It must be saved for the show airing.

Back to regular viewing. Here is something fun I created using Cosmo Cricket Haunted line. I love the way it turned out! It features a hanging skeleton made out of their blackboard pieces and put together with brads that resemble screws and some jump rings. I used rub-ons and ink and put it all together to make this wall hanging for my favorite time of the year.
Hope you enjoy!

Now you have spent way to much time looking at this blog, so go off and create some art!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Extreme Makeover Home Edition!

We interrupt this Art blog for
Extreme Makeover Home Edition!!!!

Today was demo day! It was a little cold and cloudy. Here is Farris waiting for the house to fall down!
Here are Clara and James and Jereomy and Nina waiting for the house to come down. See Clara holding her note pad? That is her autograph book. She asked for autographs from the Police the Fire dept., the director, security and then Ty. She got them all! In fact she got Ty twice!

I am here waiting also. I am with my great nephew, yep that makes me a Great Aunt!

My three grand kids on the big red fire truck!

The house is going down! We were right up front.
It is almost all down! They did stop for a bit because the house was a little out of control and starting to go into the house next store. It would have been a 2 for 1 deal! But all went well and they got it all down. Clean up started right away. They had the hauling trucks all lined up ready to haul things away.

So we start out a few hours behind but I am sure time will be made up in no time. Rain or shine it has to be done. That was the fun of the day. I will try and have updates as the house goes up.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Garbage or not?

Hey just a quick post today. As some of you know I went to a crop a few weeks ago and the host was Cosmo Cricket, well as a friend of mine (Tami) and I were walking out I happened to spot some garbage I thought was kinda cool looking. Yes it was in the garbage, not garbage, garbage, but boxes and paper garbage. So anyway Tami saw the glint in my eye and my mind saying oh I could do something with that. Tami picks it up and takes it with her and when we get outside she hands it to me and said here you go. Tami knew that I would do something with it.

It was a pizza box that Cosmo Cricket ships products in. It says "Cosmo to go". Now how cute is that. So this is what I did with it..................

I thought what a better way to display the picture of me with them. Not original by any means, but it is a good way for you to think outside the box and use things that are around you that you would normally throw out.

That's my post for the day.

Have a art filled day!