
Monday, September 28, 2009

Almost done?

I can't decide if I am done or not. I do like how it looks, but I want to make sure I love it before the wax is applied. Here is a shot of the full moon. I based the full moon with yellow tissue paper and then applied layers of paint over it.
This is a closer look at the kitty that is on the fence and the pumpkin on the stick. I do like the way they turned out.

Here is a shot of the fence and pumpkins and her great shoes and stockings.
This is what you have all been waiting she is in her gloomy Cosmo Cricket gown waiting to haunt in her local neighborhood!

I am trying to decide if I would like her face to have a green hue to it? I am thinking she might need some green envy. Any comments welcome!
Thanks for looking!
Off to create more spooky things!
I just love Halloween....................


  1. I LOVE this. Sister... you ROCK! Oh, and I have my eye on you too!!! I did see the CC thing. EXCELLENT!!

  2. Ummm! I'm thinking no to the green. I La'LOVE herrrrrrr!!!
