
Monday, September 28, 2009

Almost done?

I can't decide if I am done or not. I do like how it looks, but I want to make sure I love it before the wax is applied. Here is a shot of the full moon. I based the full moon with yellow tissue paper and then applied layers of paint over it.
This is a closer look at the kitty that is on the fence and the pumpkin on the stick. I do like the way they turned out.

Here is a shot of the fence and pumpkins and her great shoes and stockings.
This is what you have all been waiting she is in her gloomy Cosmo Cricket gown waiting to haunt in her local neighborhood!

I am trying to decide if I would like her face to have a green hue to it? I am thinking she might need some green envy. Any comments welcome!
Thanks for looking!
Off to create more spooky things!
I just love Halloween....................

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Very Excited!

First, I need to share this...................I win Farris, you finally fell asleep!

I watch Farris 4 days a week and she never naps, so this is very rare.

Gotta love her!

Here is a new picture I am working on....It is a witch and I am loving it. Okay so she has no hair yet that will come tomorrow. Her hat will come with the hair. I just wanted to share what I have so far.

If you look close I have added words in the background wind.

More words...............Scary!
Just another shot of the whole picture. Can't wait to get this one done. It has a Cosmo Cricket dress and some Cosmo Cricket pumpkins. Cat I cut on the slice and painted it's face. The fence is also cut out of Cosmo Cricket. Out of all the Cosmo Cricket paper " Haunted" is my favorite. Do you think this is because I love Halloween?

Talk about flying high! I was at Crop around town with these 3 wonderful people and was honored to have my picture taken with them. Julie, Lindsey and Lisa from Cosmo Cricket. Oh what's that Julie is holding? Oh how nice of you to ask, it is a mixed media piece of art I did for her. She loved it. They even put it up on their blog today (9/22). How thankful I am for that, it means a lot to me! I was lucky enough to be in one of their classes and the crop that they hosted. I have taken classes with them before and they sure make it fun and really make you feel great. So if you ever get the chance take a class they are FUN!

Thanks Cosmo Cricket, you guys rock!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Okay this one is for all the people out in never, never land.

Explanation goes like this: I will never, NEVER teach!

I am teaching!

I am teaching this class at Pine City Scrapbooking Co., in Pine City on 10-10 at 11:00 am. This is a wine box, filled with a spooky surprise. If you know me I like to put things into boxes and surprise you with what is inside.
So here it is....................................
Open it up and look it is witch looking right at you! Under the caution witches where the wine bottle is suppose to go you put candy in it and it looks so cute all filled with treats! I should have taken the picture with it filled but I forgot. So it is up to you now, call Pine City Scrapbooking Co. and get signed up for this spooky class. Just go over and click on Pine City Scrapbooking Co. and it will take you to the website where you can get more information. Come on you know you want to.
I have another doll to share. This one is Joy and she was made using Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly paper line. The snowflakes and snowman are in the ready to use chipboard they have. I also used the rub-ons that also are with this line of papers. The skirt came out so cute, if you have looked at this paper you know that the skirt is made out of the swirls in the paper and I cut them out and pieced them together to make the skirt. I love the way it turned out.

Thanks for checking in and I hope you have a great weekend full of fun! I am going to a few crops with friends and I have the Buddy Walk on Sunday. The Buddy Walk is a fund raiser for the down syndrome association. We walk for my niece Chloe and have been in the walk since she was born 8 yrs. ago. So that sums up my week-end.
Go forth and create!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Cute book-take a look!

That was a long couple of days! Sorry........
Here is the book I promised to show you. I did not put every page in, but quite a few. This is October Afternoon. I just love how is looks distressed.
This is a book that I will fill with pictures of Farris....
Here is the 1st page.

second page, this page will be a picture of Farris and Papa. The rhyme reads Papa instead of Mama
another page
and another
and another
and another
last one!
Then I have one more picture to share with you. I have finished another mixed media painting, she is pretty cute.
Meet Star...................

I still need to wax, but she is done except for that. Thanks for checking in.......See ya soon!
Off to create something spooky!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ms Pearl and Hello Bluebird are done!

Here she is....... Ms Pearl
she is done and has been waxed.
Closer look at her skirt.

Another shot of Ms Pearl.

This is the little girl with the piggy tails. I finished her as well.
I have named this one Hello Bluebird.

I have one more still in the works and I am sure many more. Check back in a few days as I have a mini book that I have also done.

Thanks for looking!

Go off and be creative!!!!!