
Thursday, March 26, 2009

I want to share something a friend of mine made for me. Lynn is very talented. She creates things that us normal peeps just don't even think of. Should we play I spy? I spy something really cute! Yes, I know, the 2 kids in the frame are cute. But that's not it.....Keep guessing.......

Well if you guessed this cute little cup, you are right. Is this not the cutest? I fell in love with it right away. Such a cute decoration for spring time. She used a planting cup from the hardware store. You know the ones, 12 for like $2.99. Then she used a favorite product of mine. Did you guess. Well if you did not, it is distress crackle paint. I love this stuff and use it all the time. Then she wrapped this vintage lace and added vintage buttons and TA! DA! I fell in love. It is just so darn cute. Thanks Lynn for sharing with me

On to the next thing. I do have a short attention span. LOOK WHAT I GOT TODAY!!!!!

A package of fun!

AND THIS!!!!!!!

I can not wait to play with this. So have you guessed I love Tim Holtz? Yep, that's me, a Tim junkie. Love his stuff. It helps me create beautiful grungy stuff.

Check back tomorrow for some of those inky creations. And some cards that I made with Tami.

See you later, I'm off to play with some grunge.


  1. donna
    you are just the coolest and I'm so glad I spied you in class that day. You bring sunshine to my life. You will be the next Tim Holtz. SO proud of you for updating your blog.

    I need grunge lessons.

  2. I SOOO want to be YOU!! I can't find this stuff anywhere. I guess I need to order it from the web!
