
Monday, March 17, 2014

Wendy Vecchi's Embossing Paste Easter Bunny!

You know how you read "Try something new, you can do it"?

Okay, so I did!

I had an idea, the very first time I had seen Wendy Vecchi's Embossing Crackle Paste!
My idea was to create a bunny and crackle him, you know like the vintage one's!

So......I had to make a bunny? I don't know how to make a bunny...........
I went and bought some Creative Paperclay. The reason I choose this is, it does not need to go in the oven to dry, it air dries!

So I went looking at various sites about molding stuff and I found out you can make a wire form or a tin foil form or even use Styrofoam balls. I used the tin foil, because that is what I had on hand. So I started to shape it into what I thought it should look like. Then I covered it with the clay.

Not even near perfect, but I liked him. 
He slightly leans to the side and his one ear is a bit smaller. 
But I fell in love with my quirky little guy.

Now I tried and tried to win the FAMOUS Wendy Vecchi's Embossing Pastes, but it did not happen!
But some other very lucky ladies did!

So I purchased it from The Frilly Funkie Boutique
(I am not being paid! I just liked her customer service and she even sent me a extra goodies! and I loved it)
Above is my quirky little guy!

 Well my Embossing Paste arrived and the first thing to do was add Wendy Vecchi's Metallic Silver on to him. I really liked him silver. I thought if I added some ink over the top he would look vintage. (Wendy herself also said that) Now I had a decision to make, do I leave him? Or should I stick with the original plan?

He sat like this for a few days, because I just could not make up my mind!
Yep, still leaning and his ear is still smaller, but that is what makes him unique!

I even posted this and still could not decide. 

Then last night I decided!

I am so glad I did!


He is sooooo cute Cracked!

Then I had to finish him this morning. I lost my sun from my morning picture session.
But here is my final project all done!

I cut a paper mache egg in half and covered it with Tim Holtz paper.
I tore the paper and applied it with Matte Medium, let it dry and Distress inked the egg.
I then added the Tim Holtz's Pulley's as wheels. Added some Distress Glitter Rock Candy.
Added some lace around the egg. Finished it with some eggs and flowers, straw excelsior.
I now have a bunny mobile!

 So everything I did here, was all new to me! I had never used Paperclay, never used Wendy's Pastes and I never have made a bunny mobile! I think it all came together quite well and I see more animals coming out of paperclay and Wendy's embossing pastes!

So.......Go try something NEW, you might like it!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Eileen Hull Has A New Team

Have you heard?

Well I have been holding some BIG news! It has been so hard to keep this a secret!

I am beyond thrilled and honored to have been chosen to be on the Inspiration Team of...............

Fell off my chair I was so excited! (Don't tell anyone though)

I am looking forward to this new journey and I know it is going to be AWSOME!
The Inspiration team is incredible!
I am in Awe and know that I will find inspiration just being on this team with all this team's talent!

For our "New Beginnings" challenge we were asked to share our top 3 favorite projects and why they are out favorites.
This is really hard. I have so many favorites, maybe not always the best work you have done. But sometimes it is the best for the feeling that went into it. Or maybe who it was for. So I had to really think about this.

I still don't know if these are my top choices, but I think it shows my style.
I love to make dress forms-I like to take the broken forms I find at the store for really LOW prices and bring them home and redo them.

This is not my favorite, but it is one that I am very proud of. The details on her corset is incredible! It's not made of leather, it is made from grunge paper. If you would like to learn more about her click here.
This one is one of my favorite tags! I love the colors, I tried something new and it just looks awesome!
If you would like to read about it click here.
This one shows a lot of the vintage style that I love. I love to alter things. This was a vintage lunch box.
I love this one.

I am sorry but I have to add 1 more. Because if it were not for these three beauties, I would not be typing this post today! This was my entry to this wonderful team! They started as a win from a blog post and turned into a wonderful opportunity! Read about them here.

So that is all about me! 

Now it is your turn to share!

The Art with Heart Challenge is a monthly celebration of creativity!  Each month the Inspiration Team will be showcasing their Art with Heart created with Eileen Hull’s innovative Sizzix dies. They will be following a broad theme left entirely open to creative interpretation.  We invite you to play along with us and share YOUR art with heart!

We want this to be a place for everyone to create, inspire and share.  We would love to see what you can do with Eileen Hull’s fabulous products but this is not a requirement.  Use what ever products your artful “heart” desires.  Art is for everyone so come along and share your Art with Heart!

To this you will enter here at Click on Eileen's name Eileen Hull.

I hope you will join in this monthly challenge and meet the rest of the team!

Hope to inspire and meet new friends on this new adventure!



Tuesday, March 11, 2014


 Winner Day!

Thank you to each and everyone of you who left me comments! I wish I could give you all something!

I appreciate all the feedback!

So much that I am giving 3 prizes away!

So here are all your comments.........
Folded them so my hubby could not see any of the names (he said " like I would know anybody anyway". Then  he said "that was a silly thing for me to say") LOL!
 So this is what the 1st place winner will receive..........

A brand new Somerset Studio Magazine, Tim Holtz Book D-Rings, Small Tim Holtz's note pad and a set of Tim Holtz's Washer handles.
2nd Place winner will receive a Brand new Somerset Studio Magazine, Tim Holtz's Swivel Clasps, and a note pad.
3rd place winner will receive a package of Tim Holtz's Memo Pins, and a book to alter.

And the Winners are.................................

1st place is......
Anonymous said...
I like the look, it is so clean looking... GREAT JOB
March 9, 2014 at 10:04 PM
2nd Place is......
Blogger GreenMonsta00 said...
Love the header and overall look of your new blog. Great job!
March 10, 2014 at 1:23 PM
3rd Place is.....
Anonymous LindaBrock said...
Lovely, draws you in but is subtle at the same time. I have been trying for a year. This is quite pretty.
March 10, 2014 at 8:58 AM

Congratulations to all 3 winners!

Please email me you address so that I can get your prizes out to you!

Thanks everyone!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Graphic 45 2014 Design Team Audition

Okay I may be nuts, but I am going to try this one more time. 
3 strikes and your out! That's what they say!
Yes, I have tried 3 times....I skipped last year!

I think sometimes other plans are made for you and it turned out to be a blessing that I was not chosen to be on the team. That being said.......On to my first project...............

This is a 5X7 photo frame, I took the glass out so that I could make this dimensional. Yes, I did cut out each and every one of those darn poppies. I then layered them to give the dimensional look I was going for!
Here is my second project, I love the way this turned out. I altered a vintage lunch box!
It is so fun! I put wheels and a knob at the top. I then altered the inside to hold a small altered book and some blocks and note cards to write down notes about your child. I used ABC Primer Collection and I had some vintage teacher cards I used. This all about the vintage look! Love this!
This would look so cute displayed on a shelf in a child's room!

Now if that was not enough Memory space in the small altered book, how about project #3?
This is a altered book with those vintage teachers cards and ABC Primer combined to make this fabulous book to capture all of you child's school pictures and notes!

 Page 1 & 2                                                                                   


Page 5 & 6

Page 7 & 8

9 & 10

11 & 12

13 & 14

                  Back page   - I am missing 2 pages, but I think you get the idea!
This I thought was a cute idea to use as a prop each year with a new number on it for school or birthdays!

Now Each of these are separate projects, they look adorable all together! FYI the book also fits into the opening on the lunch box shelf. Like I said so cute on a shelf in a child's room! Decor and memories all in one!

This is a big box! I found this at a vintage sale for 5 bucks! SCORE!
I have been waiting to do the perfect project with it and I think I achieved it! I have no idea what kind of box this was used for, but I turned it upside down to use it. I LOVE this. So many mini projects in this Olde Curiosity Shoppe, don't you think?
 So much to look funny is the jar with the double light bulbs on it. I made it out of a Glade plug in! LOL! The stupidest things you can use. (My husband is always throwing something away and I am always taking it out of the garbage) Oh no! Does this make me a garbage digger?
 Check out the cool arm I picked up at the coolest shop here in Colorado! I have another I am saving for another treasured project!
 Did you spot the dress form. She has a clock key sticking out of her back! Ouch!
 Just some closer shots......hope your not bored yet!
 Another shot with the magnify glass next to it rather then on top.
 Last shot!
 Here is decor piece I will hang up for Easter.
Hand rolled flowers!
 This piece is not so much a Graphic 45 piece-however I wanted to show you how I create dress forms.
She is a tall piece. She is taller then the box and that is pretty big. I have more detailed pictures here on this.
It really quite details to show here in this post.

 Back side
But I know you know who made her shoulder pieces!

And as I final-I wanted to show one of my favorite blast from the past!
I loved every minute of creating this clutch!
Thanks for looking!
