
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Nursery Decor with Glue Dots®

Nursery Décor
I have not figured out how to take a picture with glass yet.
So the top picture is with the glass.
Lower without the glass.
This is such a easy project. I used a frame I bought at a garage sale.
Took the mat out and added the paper with 1" Glue Lines®.
I added a sweet little dress that I had sketched out a while ago and colored it with
Distress Markers-Tim Holtz.
It was so sweet I thought I would frame it.
So easy!
Want the full scoop and instruction?

Head over to Glue Dots® and get them!

Thanks for stopping by!

I wrote this blog while participating on the Glue Dots® Design Team.

All comments welcomed here!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Life is a Cabaret!

New Release Day!

              The Stamping Chef introduces:

Life is A Cabaret!

She is on stage and ready for her New Release!
She is fabulous!
You could use this image for so many things.

Congrats-Your in the Spotlight
Your Number 1
Your Tops

I colored her with Prisma  Colored Pencils. I added the curtains using Prisma Colored pencils and added some Stickles to the curtains and to the cane, socks, shoes and buttons.

Head on over to The Stamping Chef store and pick up "Life is a Cabaret"!
She will be waiting for you!

Or choose from one or two.....of  Tamera's other images. They are all wonderful and I think you would enjoy them as much as I do!

If you enjoyed seeing my card check out the other DT projects. Names are on my sidebar!

Thanks for stopping by!

All comments are welcomed here!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hello my lovelies!
I have some news!
Yes, some really, really BIG NEWS!
I have been
selected to be
Design Team
This is my first un-official official post!
This image is "I'm a Raver"
She is awesome!
Have you ever been to a RAVE?
Not me, so I asked my niece and she said they wear bright, mixed clothes.
She said kinda like Halloween but fun and BRIGHT!
So here is what I did!
Fun and bright and kinda grungy !!
Have you ever been to the store of The Stamping Chef?
If you have, you know what awesome images Tamara van Wijk has drawn!
If not......Why not?
You should run over and take a look
Store link click here!
Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you on a regular basis!
Comments are always accepted here!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

July Tag Challenge

So here we are in July and this is my July tag for Tim Holtz's 12 tags challenge.

Tim's challenge this month started with this................................

we want to take this moment to acknowledge the fallen Prescott firefighters “the granite mountain hot shots” in the recent tragedy.  our thoughts and prayers go out to them and their families for this very sad loss – we are forever thankful for their service…

So with that being said here is how I chose to honor the firefighters.

I used the same technique as Tim with the brayer and my background stamp I used the USA stamp from "mini blueprints 2". I also used the birds from "mini ornates", I felt it represented the fallen firefighters.

Then I chose to add words that I felt represented the firefighters. So I used Tim's rub ons and used words like courage, fearless, brave...................

Instead of using the charm Tim used, I change it to a tag label charm. This was so I could incorporate the word courage. I also used a rub on for this.

On my ribbon I added the words "thank you" and stained the ribbon the same way Tim did.

Added the 4 from Tim's mini numerals and added 3 metal stars at the bottom.

Close up of the tag label charm
(started with the word fearless, but thought courage was better)
my ribbon close up
this is the set where USA and Flag came from
(love it, won, and gave it away)
(already had it so I wanted to share)
Final look at the full tag!

Hope you enjoyed July's tag..............................I DID!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Winner! Winner! Read all About it!

Thank you for all your wonderful comments!

I had my husband pick a number (he was my number generator)!

So it is his fault if you did not win!


The winner.........................................


Blogger Leslie said...
Wow....congratulations on winning two months in a row!! Your tags are wonderful. It's so generous of you to pay-it-forward....thanks for the chance to win!

Leslie please email me your address and I will get your brand new stamp set to you! YAY!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Post and a GIVEAWAY!

Been busy........

                      Trying new things......

         New mediums......

New drawings......

Trying Tim's 2013 Tag challenge.....Speaking of.......Keep reading........

Building a new Dress Form.......

Talking to a local Gallery to show some of my work.....
                                                                               looks promising!

Just enjoying life!!!!!

Why do I want to create cute girls and everything else is grunge?
I never even played with dolls as a little girl-I was Daddy's little tom-boy! He wanted a girl so bad!
I think I have two art-egos = alter egos?????? 
Now about that Tim's Tag thing.......
I won May's Challenge
I won June's Challenge 
Very "Lucky" as Mario put it!
Well I want to pay it FORWARD!
I won this wonderful Blueprint set!
I already have it!
Yep, I will give this away to one "LUCKY" Winner!
So comment away and I will pull a name out of all of the comments and send you this set!
What do you think?
(after all I could have sold it)
(but that would not be nice)
Good Luck!
Today is Tuesday-how about Friday is cut-off and I will announce winner on Saturday!