
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I'm back in Colorado

I am back. It was a very hard trip to take. We left Colorado for a mini vacation and my father passed. The trip home felt like forever. Many things running thru my mind.
There were many moments of laughing and joking, crying and laughing again. I did get to spend time with family and friends. It was wonderful to see, hug and talk with the g-kids.

Funny Funny Farris

Farris was giving out the rules! Must have been good the cow is even listening!
Look at that little the what for.....
This is hilarous! Farris wants a purse.

Okay she picks out a couple!

and a couple more!

and MORE!

The other arm needs some????

NO Papa......I want them ALL!!!!!!

This is just one armful! LOL!
She only got one, even after all that!

Clara and James at MOA
Mall of America

Rainforest Cafe

James turned 7 while I was there!
That was just some of the pictures of my trip to MN. I have come back here to Colorado and I am being whisked away to the mountains for some camping and horseback riding, some fishing and some gold panning. So I will not be sharing any art for at least a week. But I will leave you with one of my favorite pieces.
 gave this non other then tim holtz!
Off to go pack for what I am sure is going to be an adventure.
 I did not tell you I am afraid of heights did I.
Mountains are very high!
If I am on top of the horse on top of a high is that?
Oh MY!