
Friday, January 28, 2011

I 've been busy

Hey everyone, I just want you to know just because I have not posted much does NOT mean that I am not working on things. In fact, just the opposite! I have been busy, busy, busy!

Although today I did have to run and get another one of these!
When I moved to Colorado some how this was left in storage, oh the HORROR that any of my
 Ranger stuff be in storage!

How can I melt wax or Utee with out this? Oh the agony!
(good thing is when I get my stuff, I will have 2 of them, nothing wrong with that!)

So here is a little collage that I have been working on, not quite done, but almost.
I am just gonna give you a few sneak peeks.
Here is something that is in the works.
Oh and this one is gonna be cute!
One of my Favorites right here, do you recognize the paper?
Yep it is Tim's, I am making a bag.
(Details in another broadcast, can't show you everything)
But I am loving it!
Well that is about all I have for today. I do have a great shadow box I am working on with Graphic 45 papers and some TSS Metal. But I will save that for another day.

Oh, I have my Altered Alice project well under way and it will be ready soon. So make sure you start checking on the Altered Alice Blog starting Sunday! This is gonna be fun. Each week a few of the DT will debut there projects and you have a whole month of DT projects. What's better than that? Well that means you get the whole month to do the same challenge and enter to win a prize. Now that is fun.

I am heading back outside, yes I am. I am from Minnesota and I have just moved to Colorado recently, so I am so used to very dull cloudy, cold, snowy, did I say cold? days. Today is January 28th and I was driving and had to watch out for motorcycles, yes motorcycles in January. WOW! It is 65 and SUNNY and I have pictures to take and waxing to do and I am going to do it OUTSIDE!

Thanks for stopping by......leave me a message tell me if you like what you see. I would love to hear from you......I get lonely without my home buddies I left behind......I am trying to get involved here in some art groups, but man it is hard to find them.

Talk to you soon.
Give out a smile, who knows you might get one back!

Friday, January 21, 2011

CHAPTER 47: Back down the Rabbit Hole...

A final post from our "Mad Hatter" leader Jess...............

Greetings, Friends!

Today is a BITTERSWEET...although MOSTLY sweet post for Oh, Alice. It has been almost ONE YEAR since I got this crazy little idea one night to dedicate a blog, and a Saturday each week, to Alice in Wonderland because of my deep love of the characters, story, and mostly just Alice. Over the weeks to follow, I was blessed with an AMAZING "Twisted Team" of sisters, some who've gone on to other things, some who've stayed since the beginning, and some who have been with us for a while now-ALL of who I think the world of...and here I thought I was the "only" one who was THAT crazy about all things Alice until I found out that well, there are LOTS of you out there just like me. How cool is THAT?!

All that considered, after careful consideration and thought, some of us had decided that it was time to head back down the Rabbit hole and as some of us have done so, we found a lovely fork in the road.

Oh, Alice will be closing it's doors this week, but will return next week as The Altered Alice, a blog that our Twisted Thirteen member Lynne Phelps has started and will continue on from here. There is nothing to fear! The Altered Alice will still be bringing you FABULOUS challenges, lovely excerpts from our beloved chapters that tell us so much about Alice's world, and we have alerted our sponsors about the new Blog name and format, so hopefully you'll see some familiar faces VERY soon!

Here are a few words from Lynne about what you can expect at the Altered Alice:

"In Wonderland, Alice learned that everything changes so the important thing is to be true to yourself. That is true for the Alice in Wonderland challenges as well, which will be changing and growing in new directions under the next Mad Hatter, our own design team member Lynne Phelps. The Oh, Alice! challenges will now be hosted on her Alice in Wonderland artwork blog, The Altered Alice link: will find our same familiar challenge Chapters but they will be in a new monthly form, beginning on the first Sunday of the month and posting the winner on the last Sunday of the month. The design team will provide weekly project posts to inspire you along the way! "

Without further adieu, I'd like to thank all the members of the Twisted Thirteen who will be hanging out in Underland with me for a while, taking a much-needed break, and to the ones who will be continuing on with The Altered Alice, you know we won't be far from your blogs!

Last but not least, when I started this blog, I had NO idea that in just a few short months, we'd have over 400 followers. In fact, I was shocked. So it is with HUGE amounts of thanks that I want to let our readers/players know how much I appreciate YOU! Be sure to FOLLOW "The Altered Alice" right away so that you do not miss out on the first challenge or any new prizes coming their way!
On that note, let's get to this week's CHALLENGE:

This week's mission is to travel "Back down the Rabbit Hole" challenge-back to the beginning-Create a HELLO card (for OR a "Goodbye" card-it's all about what it looks like on the other side of that Looking Glass, right?
The DT has once again been blessed with a WONDERFUL assortment of Nikki Sivils papers and embellishments to work with as Nikki has graciously supplied the DT with, as well as a WONDERFUL prize pack for ONE lucky winner (winner will be announced next week on the Altered Alice challenge Blog and also you must link your creations THERE.
In addition to creating a HELLO or GOODBYE card and entering it over at The Altered Alice, the NEW Alice in Wonderland Challenge Blog, don't forget to "FOLLOW" the new "Altered Alice" blog where next week's challenge AND the winner of the last Nikki giveaway will be drawn!

Here is the card I made for this challenge..........

   Wait....I am going to travel to "The Altered Alice" I made a HELLO card
                  But........I had to say GOODBYE so I made a twisted kind of card.
                          I guess that would make it appropriate for this challenge!

So here it is.......................................

Good luck to all of the Twisted Sisters in whatever endeavors come our way!

Make sure you start checking over at "The Altered Alice" Site, where new themes and challenges await!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Chapter 46: Queen Alice

"Hush-a-by lady, in Alice's lap!
Till the feast's ready, we've time for a nap.

When the feast's over, we'll go to the ball -

Red Queen, and White Queen, and Alice, and all!"

~ "Queen Alice", Through The Looking-Glass

We here at Oh Alice, hereby cordially invite you to meet Iracebeth the Red Queen of Crims and Mirana the White Queen. Iracebeth and Mirana are sisters who couldn't be more different: while the White Queen is kind and gentle and is loved by everyone, the Red Queen's answer to everything is "Off with their heads!"

To honor our Royal Highness's, we challenge you to choose which Royal Court you would want to have rule over you, the Red Queen's or the White Queen's???

So the challenge this week, if you should choose to accept it, is to create a card/project that is either mostly white or mostly red.

This week's Oh, Alice challenge is being sponsored by Baby Bud Designs!

"The Baby Bud illustrations you see in the shop have been drawn ‘free hand’ by the artist and owner, Mary Anne Wainright. There is never any computer re-imaging involved. Their quirky little imperfections are what make them original, unique and whimsical and reminds the viewer that they were created from the heart."

Baby Bud Designs has not only generously let the DT use her images, but is also offering the winner a choice of TWO digital images from their Baby Bud Designs Etsy Shop!

Here is my choice: Meet Chloe

I used October Afternoon paper, layered Chloe's dress and colored the rest of Chloe. Added a tattered flower I made of scraps of paper and felt, glued a flower button on. Then a little sewing on the card to finish it off. Hope you enjoyed my take on Chloe.

You have until Friday, January 21st, 8pm CST to submit your creations on Oh Alice. We look forward to seeing which Queen will win!