
Friday, December 31, 2010


A NEW YEAR...Lots of NEW sponsorships...and a WORD of THANKS...

We hope that you are enjoying a little hiatus from the hustle and bustle of Christmas and New Year's and cannot WAIT to resume our challenge on January 8th! 2011 is going to be bringing you some EXCITING new themes, challenges, guest Designers, and TONS of new sponsorships thanks to my awesome coordinators, Margie and Tasha!

I want to thank EVERYONE for their support of Oh, Alice as we are coming up on a year of challenges-I cannot BELIEVE IT! It wouldn't be possible without you and without my AMAZINGLY TWISTED team :)

On that note, we are just stopping by today with a note of THANKS for all of our valued players and sponsors!!

All of our projects today are done using NIKKI SIVILS papers and embellishments...and not only are we SO grateful for that, we are THRILLED to announce that NIKKI SIVILS will be our first sponsor of 2011 and we have a HUGE surprise for you all NEXT WEEK, right here at Oh, ALICE!

Stay tuned and until then, please accept our SINCERE Thanks:

Picture overload......

For this card I used our sponsors paper, it is called "Something for Everyone" this paper is fabulous! 
The paper is by Nikki Silvils, we just can't thank her enough for donating such a great product.
I also used Tim Holtz Rosette die, stamp, plaque & postage alterations die.
May your New year be filled with Health, Happiness, and Love.
And lots of ART!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Chapter 44: Curiouser and Curiouser!

`Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English); `now I'm opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! Good-bye, feet!' (for when she looked down at her feet, they seemed to be almost out of sight, they were getting so far off). `Oh, my poor little feet, I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now, dears? I'm sure _I_ shan't be able! I shall be a great deal too far off to trouble myself about you: you must manage the best way you can; --but I must be kind to them,' thought Alice, `or perhaps they won't walk the way I want to go! Let me see: I'll give them a new pair of boots every Christmas.'

Hello from all of us here in Wonderland! This week we are Curiouser and curiouser to see if you are willing to play along with our weekly challenge. The challenge is a simple one, and one that most of us should be able to play along with, we would like to take Wonderland and turn it into a Winter Wonderland! Yes, that's right.....put your boots on, hats, mittens and lets play in the snow! Alice, with a hat on? Rabbit in the snow? Anything that reflects a Winter Wonderland. Have fun with it!

This week we are being sponsored by SUGAR NELLIE/FUNKYKITS. They are a fabulous company and you really should go over and take a peek. The prize for this week will be 1 set of 6, yes, I said 6 of Leanne Ellis Alice in Wonderland stamps. I sure wish I was in this on this one. This set of stamps are fantastic!

I know a lot of you did not have to do much to get into the mood of a Winter in Wonderland, many had it for real. So with that being said I am sure we will have some great works of art in this weeks contest.

Here is my Winter in Wonderland

Is she not the cutest little thing ever?
I think she looks like she lives in Winter all the time. I was lucky enough to win
her with some other really great stamps from The Greeting Farm.
"Fuzzy Wuzzy"
I had these snowflakes I had purchased from my local scrapbook store in MN called the Pine City Scrapbooking and Retreat. Great place if you are ever in northern MN visiting and want to go to a store and hang out, stay overnight and have a blast. This is the place.
Hope you enjoyed, come back soon!

Now put your winter hat on, think Winter in Wonderland and play along! Go add your card on
"Oh Alice" and play along!
Don't forget to check out the rest of the DT members have made this week.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quick share

Just wanted to share a card I did yesterday!

It is for my G-son. It reminded me of when he had his hair done a while back.

What cha think?
I think it is a good match.
That's it for today, be back Saturday with OH Alice.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm here

Well it is official, I have moved. Yes, I am now out of MN and boy just in the nick of time. They were hit hard, with a lot of snow and now the cold. The Metrodome buckled, streets were not plowed, that's when you know it is really bad. I forgot to ask if the mail was delivered. Hummmm?

Well my new life is certainly different from my city girl life. Oh MY! Do you want to know what I hear around here?

Moo, Moo, Neigh, Neigh, quack, quack, ruff, ruff, meow, chick, chick, eeee-haaa (is that what a donkey says) and cock a doodle doo. At night you can here the coyotes, wolves and fox.

Do you want to see the sights......

 Bales and bales of this stuff!

                                      The dog that is gonna eat my dog, that is if the
                               fox, coyotes or wolves don't get her first!
                                            Water pump (thank God I don't have to pump water) LOL!
                                                Oh and this is what I see out the front yard
Yep, right out the front door. Also note the blue sky, yet you can see the snow cap mountains
Well enough about that. I have to get back to unpacking my stuff, so I can get some cards done!
Anyone see my inks, stamps?
 OH JEEZ!...............I can't find my distress inks!!!!!
I can not function without them, HELP!!!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010


LADY dear, if Fairies may
For a moment lay aside
Cunning tricks and elfish play,
'Tis at happy Christmas-tide.

We have heard the children say—
Gentle children. whom we love—
Long ago, on Christmas Day,
Came a message from above.

Still, as Christmas-tide comes round,
They remember it again—
Echo still the joyful sound
"Peace on earth, good-will to men!"

Yet the hearts must childlike be
Where such heavenly guests abide;
Unto children, in their glee,
All the year is Christmas-tide!

Thus, forgetting tricks and play
For a moment, Lady dear,
We would wish you, if we may,
Merry Christmas, glad New Year!

Christmas, 1867.

Welcome down the rabbit hole once again my friends. This poem by Lewis Carroll was found in the back of a copy of Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. In researching the history of this poem I found the All Saints, the Lewis Carroll Memorial Window at Daniell Chapel in England. The 3 centre panels contain verses from this Lewis Carroll’s poem. The window was designed by the stained glass artist Geoffrey Webb and depicts a Nativity scene, at which both Carroll and Alice are present. This is a must see for anyone that loves Wonderland.

For our challenge this week let's get into the Christmas spirit. The challenge is to use red, green, + one color. You can still use other colors for hair and skin. Just make the main use of color red, green, + one.

Our wonderful sponsor this week is Pixie Dust Studio. The lucky winner will receive your choice of 2 digital images.

I need to tell you....this was hard for me. My mind was going here and there and a bit everywhere. What the heck am I suppose to do? So I started one.......then switched to another route, but I will show you both.
1st one is the one I started the it was close to here is that one
Silly me.....was a cutting fool.....I was cutting everything out.....what was I thinking?
Here is a closer look.
For this card I felt as soon as I added the yellow/gold, I went over the red &green + one rule. In my world white is not a color, however to me the kraft paper was a color. Over thought? Maybe....
Now here is the second choose the one you like.

Red and Green + yellow gold....background paper is Graphic 45....colored with colored pencils and watercolor pencils.

So get your Santa hat on, turn on your favorite holiday music and get crafty for your chance to win your choice of 2 digital images! Remember, you have all week to play this challenge! Link your project to the Oh Alice! Challenge blog by midnight, Friday, December 17th to be entered in the drawing. Happy creating!!

 Please link to the exact post, not your overall blog/site address. Flickr, Ning and other locations are acceptable so long as they are open to the public. Winner selection based on a random draw.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Chapter 42: The Flowers Are Talking

`O Tiger-lily,' said Alice, addressing herself to one that was waving gracefully about in the wind, `I wish you could talk!' `We can talk,' said the Tiger-lily: `when there's anybody worth talking to." Alice was so astonished that she could not speak for a minute: it quite seemed to take her breath away. At length, as the Tiger-lily only went on waving about, she spoke again, in a timid voice -- almost in a whisper. `And can all the flowers talk?' `As well as all can,' said the Tiger-lily. `And a great deal louder.' Hello from all of us in Wonderland! This week we would like you to have a go at making your own flowers! So get fun creating, we can't wait to see what you come up with! This week we are being sponsored by 'Some Odd Girl', who have gorgeous Digi Stamps that the DT have been luckily enough to create with this week. So get creating your own flowers for your chance to win some of your very own ' Some Odd Girl' Images! You have until Friday the 10th of Dec to play long with us!

I was so excited to create something with 'Some Odd Girl' digi stamps, so many to choose from and all of them so cute. But when I came across 'Mae as Alice' I knew she was the one for me!
So here is Mae, she has been teamed up with some Cosmo Cricket. I water colored and colored penciled her. So cute!
The edges were cut with tim holtz's alteration dies. (I love those)
Have a great day and don't forget to see the rest of the team at 'Oh Alice' for more inspiration.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

CC Card

Short and sweet today!

Here is the card I said I would share with you.

I used Cosmo Cricket Mitten Weather Paper. I used CC tiny type letters and add just a bit more glitter (stickles) to the ornaments, which are also by Cosmo Cricket (CC).  Pretty simple! I added the ribbon to the ornaments after I tried different string and just was not happy with them. I like the look of the ribbon so much better.
Hope you had a great day!
Be back soon!