
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here we go again!

No posting for me, again!

Or should I say nothing for you to read.

Long story!

I have put my big girl panties on and that's just the way it is gonna be!

So anyway I have recently became owner of all of Ranger's (Tim Holtz) new distress inks.

That's right all 12 of them! I am so excited!
What would be better then that?
Glad you asked! I won them!!! Yep, you read that right! All 12, can you believe it? I have already used them and I love them. So you want to know how? I know you do........

I follow a blog called studio 490, otherwise known as Wendy Vecchi. Wendy has her own stamps thru Stampers Anonymous and she demos for Ranger Inks and if that's not enough she also does work for Maya Road. She is a busy, busy girl.
She had a little comment contest to win all 12 and I was the winner! 260 some comments were left and I was the lucky ducky! I did write a little story for my comment, maybe that helped. If you would like to read it go over to Wendy's blog and read it, kinda fun it included all 12 colors in the story. If you don't want to read it that's okay, you can still go see her blog she is always great inspiration.
So this is the box I received...........

WOO HOO!!!!!!

So the person that I am.......What kind is that?......

I made her this........

The flower is made with one of her stamps. Check out the trim on this pillow...I love the buttons hanging from the rick rack.

On to her thank you card.......

I used part of the packing tape that said Ranger on it and incorporated it onto the card. Her butterfly stamp and her flower again with the leaf.

Hope she likes it.

I have also sent some more things off for publication.

Hope to have more for you in a couple days. Been drawing a lot, have some paintings in my future.

Now quit reading and go make someone smile. Or make art and give it to someone to make them smile.

PS....thanks Kris for the muslin already tea dyed!

and.........I hope Wendy by chance does not decide to come check out my little ole blog before she receives this.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today I went to my Daughter's house to help my Granddaughter with her Valentine's box. I took my Slice and some fun papers and we had at it. She had so much fun using the Slice. Do you think I brought my camera? Nope I did not. But we did have fun.

I have been working with some fun vintage yardsticks and an old frame I found at a swap meet/antique sale. I used the frame as is....put a picture of my dad in it (I love this picture of him). I used 7 gypsies paper and embellishments with a few vintage snaps. It is just a peek, as I have a few more things to add to this.

This next piece is made from a vintage yardstick. I have made it into a wedding piece of my Grandparents. I found it to be fitting of something old turned into something new.

This is also part of it and again I am only showing you a peek. I know how mean that is, but I did want you to see that I am back working again. See the flower? I made this using muslin, I like the vintage feel it gives. I am loving this piece.
One more thing to share....this is not craft related so you may leave at this point or continue...
your choice
I hereby state, I will not go to another wrestling match involving my little guy below, it is much to hard to see your grandsons face being smashed to the ground for the fun of the sport even if he did win the match. Sorry James, Meme just can't watch!

That's it for today.

Go make something!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Well Hello Stranger!

Well hello stranger!
I am talking to myself, only because I have been gone for so long.
Some of you know what has been happening around my neck of the woods and some of you, well you know, came to my blog and found the same old post. Make a long story short that lady in the picture looking after me, yeah well we have had to look after her for a while, she gave us quite the scare. That's my Mom and I, oh about 29 years ago (ha ha). Well she has been in the hospital (ICU) for quite sometime and we almost lost her.
Straight to the good news, we did not!
So on we go, back to the blog!
This is something I did while up at the hospital and am still working on. Now some of you may gasp at what I am about to say, but I say it's okay. I have a extra copy. I received this catalog from Cosmo Cricket when they were in town last year and here is the part some may cringe at.......
I CUT IT UP!!!!!

But look I am making a book out of it. I have cut out letters and shapes and painted and have drawn bugs and flowers. It is recycling at its best.
Here is a page out of the book. Remember you can click on picture to enlarge. Are you looking at the background flowers? This is something else I have done with some Cosmo Cricket papers. Clothespins! I think they came out so cute. I made them for my favorite LSS. They have a Cosmo Cricket wall and we put up a laundry line to hang layouts on and I suggested that we make (I make) some Cosmo Cricket clothespins and that is just what I did.

How cute are these? Pretty darn cute I think!!!!

Here is just one single one close up.

This is something else I have been working on. Far from done but it is started.

I have been into making flowers lately. This is made with a coffee filter and then spritz with tattered angels glimmer mist, then put a broach in center and I love it. If you look at the picture above I have a flower with no broach in it and love it just as much.

So there you have it, that's all I have been up to. No trouble, no fun, just serious stuff. I have not even been to a scrapbook store or even Micheal's. Oh the pain! Thank you to all who have emailed me and prayed for my Mom, it worked, so thanks a bunch!
Now I must get back into a routine of some painting and some art and get some ATC's done.
So off I go to start some ATC's and get back into the swing of things.
Thanks for hanging with me!
Go make art!