
Friday, December 25, 2009


This Christmas I am thankful for a few things. I am gonna get mushy here. Those of you who know me, know that I don't do that. But it is Christmas and so many things have changed this year.
I was published. This was cool. I liked it. But I could have gone on with out it. But I am thankful.

My Parents who are still around to have seen it.

Love you guys!

This little angel, who lights up our life!!
This guy who cracks me up!
I think he takes after me.
(anything for a laugh, even if it includes underwear on your head)
And most of all.......
Farris and Rick
Rick had cancer surgery last year on December 15th and so far cancer has stayed at bay.
Farris was never suppose to be here.
Here the two are.
Who said there was no God?
Just one more sign that there is a God!

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Waxed snowman

Well I am back, just as I promised. Here are just 2 of the paintings that I did for my ATC group and the Pine City Girls and my Sis.Each one that I did was a bit different. I think by the time I was done, I had done 16 of these babies. That's a lot of waxing! But I love it.

This is something I put together. I wanted it to look vintage and I think it does. I use tinsel silver pipe cleaners, vintage music sheets and an old postcard. Glittered and TA DA! Oh and a bit of distress ink.
Oh and this I just had to post again.
Sorry she is just so cute!
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Thanks for stopping by!
Off to create something for someone!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Look who saw Santa

Look who was checking out Santa!

Looks like he was Okay! What do you think?

She was very happy!

She loved him! Look at that smile! How cute is that!
I will post pictures tomorrow of my snowman wax pictures, I made them for my ATC buddies and my Pine City Girls, my Sis got one also.

Go create a smile, create some art and pass it on!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

What I have been up to

I have been making tags................................SEE!
(No presents to put them on yet, I have not started)
Working on ATC's

coloring the ATC's

Still have finishing touches on the ATC's.
Now the next project was inspired by Cosmo Cricket blog today. They had shown how to make a form of these flowers and this is what I came up with. It was fun to make these.
This is a close up of one of the jars that I decorated.

Here is a close up of my inspired flower.

Here are the 3 jars I did. The short snowman has a knob for a hat. The tall snowman has a snowflake from Cosmo Cricket. The small jar I put on a snowflake with mittens hanging down from the flower snowflake.
These were so fun to make. The heads are styrofoam with Martha Stewart mica flakes all over them. The noses were made by just rolling up orange paper and gluing them shut. Eyes and mouth are button brads. Jars are saved from different foods. Husband said, "so that is why we wash and save those things", as he walks away he mumbles loudly he really likes these recycled jars. Ha, see the woman is always right!
I have also been painting but I can't show you those quit yet.
Off to go create some more art!
P.S. ----Go visit my Sister's blog for a look at a cute sweatshirt she made for a Teacher
her blog is on the know over there.....Caterpillar Creations.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm Published!

Okay so it's official! I have a copy and I have spotted it at the news stands. I am in the Somerset Studio Gallery Winter 2010. I am pretty excited to say the least.

You will have to pick one up. There is much to see in this magazine, it is jam packed with artists. Love all the Somerset Magazines.

They published my Halloween box. I will show you some of my own pictures that they did not show you. I think that it is okay.

So here Halloween box in side of the box

another side

I love this box, the fun surprise inside makes this box.

Been busy doing some cute Petite dolls. Check back soon I will be showing you some things I have been up to!