
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I did not win the contest over at 7 Gypsies and I did make this face! And I felt like this for a while!

It is okay because I have this cool binderie and cover for my room. I would not have decorated it and I know I would not have made this cover to go over it.

So all is well in my world!

And it is okay when the person that beats you out made something really cool too!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Funny Story!

I have a cute story for you!

It starts with this little cutie:


Includes one of these! Yes you guessed it she was stung! She tried to catch a bee with her hands! Not a jar, no way! With her hands.

Is that Brave or ?........................

But if you ask her, why? She will tell you it is not her fault! It is this little boy's fault!
James told her to catch it so it is all

his fault!
(look at this innocent face)

On to baby watch:

Here is Farris in her tye-dye outfit. How cute is this with matching socks.

She loves to sit up now!
She gets so excited when sitting up she falls over!
Better slow up Farris it looks like your getting tippie!

Erin a ATC group friend, had some card kits left and I got one because the Anya stamps are so cute. I thought it would be fun to color a bit. Here are 2 of them that I colored and put together. How cute are they? Although she colors hers with Copics, I colored with pencils.
Erin did a fabulous job on her card kits! I love the saying on this one.

It reads: May you coconuts never sway lower then your grass skirt.

I have one more to finish but not tonight.
If you would like to check out Erin's Blog I have listed it to the left.

I am still waiting to hear about the 7 Gypsies contest. Fingers are crossed.

Till next time go and create art and be happy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Do you remember me?

Hi everyone, do you remember me? I can't believe it has been a month since I have posted. I am so sorry to those of you that check my blog on a regular basis.

I had family from Florida, Colorado and a 80th birthday, and life get in the way. Okay so that's not a good enough excuse. Well lets see if I can make up something better........Nope!

Anyway I really have had no time to do much, I just finished up my ATC's for tonight, the theme is summer breezes. Here is a picture................

I painted the background in acrylics, painted in the clouds. I then stamped the birds on the line (Tim Holtz) and stamped, colored and cut out the laundry and adhered that to the line. What you can't see is the lace on the slip and the bra have chunky glitter on them so it looks like they shimmer. This is the only thing that came to mind with this theme.

What else have I been doing, well if you have a minute or two you can go look at 7 Gypsies blog, go to the contest post and you will see something I entered for the Binderie contest. I thought it would be fun to enter my binderie. This was fun to decorate. I do have the link to 7 Gypsy on the right side of my blog. Wish me luck!

I did get notice that 2 pieces of my art will be published and I am very excited about that! I will give more information on this as it gets closer. But I am very excited, yes I said it already but I need to read it over and over as this is my 1st time being published.

I am off to get ready for our meeting tonight, have a great week and we will talk soon!