
Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So what do you think of the change? I like it, no I love it, it is so ME! As I was talking with my Web Master (Little Sister), I told her I would love to jazz up the blog and I woke up to this! WOW! Is that great or what? The blog fairy came down from blog heaven and put her magic wand to work and made it so ME! So I am sending out a BIG THANK YOU, to my personal blog fairy.

On to this month's ATC.................
This month's theme was weddings or something that makes us happy. I really did not think I would do anything wedding. Happy sounds more me. However when I sat down this is what popped out of my head????????? WHY? I have no idea. It works and my daughter loved it and that is good enough for me.

A little better shot.....
Last week I had my g-kids here for a few days and this is what happens when you show a 4 yr old how to take pictures with your camera.

Picture of Memes legs and Tina...........what was he thinking?
Ugly dog?
Picture of the TV, you know you can't have enough Sponge Bob!
And last............Meme it does work!..............You can take a picture of yourself!!!!!!!!!
Okay, this is last. Look at that face. Who needs a pacifier? My grandchild sucks her tongue!
And finally, a smile to end the blog for the day!
Have a great day! Oh, did I tell you, my blog rocks!

Quit reading this and go create something!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Gypsy dress

Well here I am again, back with another inspiration from the 7 gypsies line. This time I made a dress out of paper. This was fun! I had a hard time molding the paper, so I just crumbled it up and all was well. I am going to do another one of these because my husband had some say in this one. Yes I did say my husband. I wanted to put flower tah tah's on, and he said no don't ruin it. I say tah tah's would be fun! So I will another. This is the front.

Can you guess where the tah tah flowers went? Yes those are them they are on the back of the dress. They say when you turn around to always leave them wanting more. So that is what I did. I changed the back up a bit, give it a little wow factor. It is just for fun.

Just another shot of the front.

That was my fun project for the day!

Do we need some baby watch pictures? Well I have not been very good at posting some for a while so here are some. Here you go Mom and Dad here is Farris.......................
Here she is looking cute for the camera - she just woke up, why can't I wake up that happy?

Here she is giving Papa some kisses! Gotta love those sloppy wet kisses! (she is teething)
Last one, just looking like an angel.
Tah tah for now!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What does 7 gypsies + metal + .25 =

You know when a line of paper just brings out the mojo in you, well I have found that with 7 gypsies "gypsy market paper". This whole line is just my style. Those of you who know me, know that I use 7 gypsies in almost everything I do, along with Tim Holtz. But this line is ending up on a lot of stuff these days.

A friend of mine, Lynn B, is always out finding treasures and she found this old clock for a quarter! Yep, that's right a quarter. The 2 legs were broken and the clock face would not stay in the hole. She brought it to me and asked if I would want something like it. Why yes I would, I said. This is one of those things you see on the .25 table and just walk by. Well from now on I hope you take a second look at that .25 junk and think of this.

This picture is after I took the face out.

Here is the clock in the shape I received it. It is not to bad. Just needed a little tender loving care! Some 7 gypsies paper and some ten seconds metal and 1 day.
I took the clock apart and sanded it, just to rough it up a bit. I knew I was going to use the 7 gypsies paper, but I did not know what else I was going to do with it. I have been wanting to use my ten seconds metal that I had purchased a while back. (you know one of those things you just have to try/have) So lets give it a try. I used a brown piece of the metal and this is what it looked like after I sanded it. So I knew I was gonna have to slap some paint on it. I put some yellow ochre on it and sanded that a bit, then added the brown on top. I wiped that off a bit and it turned out perfect.

Here is your first peek at the drawer.

Here is the sides of the clock. I love the way the metal turned out, it looks so beautiful with the papers. I love it!

And drum roll please....................Remember .25 + 7 gypsies paper + metal=


Hope you like it. I love it. Thanks Lynn, this was an complete success. Lynn also bought a tray I am going to alter. I think I may have to hire her as my personal shopper. What do you think?

Off to see what else I can do.

Now quit reading this and go create something!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm tired

I am so blasted tired. But so uplifted from my weekend. I went to a Chick Flick Themed Crop/Retreat. It was so blasted fun! Ask me what movies were yeah, I don't know. I remember them going in the player and I remember the credits at the end, everything in between was laughing, scrapping, laughing again. At one point I almost wet my pants, okay to much information, but we were laughing so hard it hurt. Pine City Scrapbook Company/Retreat Center is the place to stay if your ever in the area. The owners are so nice and the staff is top notch. The store is 4,000 square feet and it is attached, yes attached to the retreat center. That rocks, so when you are looking for just the right piece of paper or in my case some Tim Holtz inks or metals, just walk right out and put it on a tab. Of course when your having that much fun, you are not getting any sleep. Friday bedtime-3:30am-up at 9:30am......Saturday bedtime-5:30am-up at 9:30am, you don't want to miss anything!

I love my diet cokes and did have to leave a few times to get some, if you don't know me, they must come from a fountain, they are the best. However when one of the staff members (Lynn aka also my friend) came to work she brought me one on Saturday night. Awwwwwww, how sweet! I wake up Sunday morning and in comes another scrapper friend and what does she have in her hand? A diet coke, yes that's right, Peggy, my scrapping pal brought me a very much needed diet coke after a hard night of scrapping. Thank you girls, you must love me!

Okay, I did get something done. The box is officially done. Yes! Those of you who know me, know I like short fast get er done type projects. I get distracted so I do small books and don't really scrapbook. I do projects. So as you have seen the front of the box and 1 page, here are a few of the other pages. I do like the way this turned out. I love my Dad and wanted this to have this out on the table to look at and share with others. The pictures are great. My Dad just turned 80 in March. So here we go. (Mom if you reading this I love you also, but I need some pictures of you so I can do a box of you) (hint, hint)

Those of you who scrap will notice I used the packaging from jenny bolins buttons for a frame. (who needs the buttons, although they are cute) I love the package. Some vintage lace, flower-prisma, Tim Holtz ideaology, vintage hook, Inks = Distress Inks-Tim Holtz, Jenny Bolin milk cap, tag from 7 gypsies. Picture of Dad. (I think he looks like Spanky from the Little Rascals).

This page was don with some gesso dabbed here and there, then distress inks were used over it and then stamped over it. Stamped clock and added Tim holtz ideaology spinners.

This one is one of my favorite pages. Can you guess why? It is the picture. I love this picture of my Dad, it is so cute! Stamp is from Tim holtz, pin is also Tim's. Tag is 7 gypsies, the metal trike is from Micheal's arts and crafts jewelry department, vintage snaps. All pages are done with 7 gypsies papers.

So I hope you enjoyed!
So all the gals that I scrapped with this weekend I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! I know you did.
Tami - the card maker - you had fun! Enjoy your tag. How many times did you shed tears from laughing?
Cindy - could you win any more prizes? You sure are lucky.
Peggy - ink on. Your starting to get grungy!
Janet, Marge, Lynn, Marni, Linda, Savannah, Linda and the others who I am sorry I forgot your names. Thanks for the memories. Had me a blast!

Check out the blogs of
or the retreat center -
Enjoy the art around you!