
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Check out my new shoes! I love them. Some of you have caught a glimpse of my other pair of Ed Hardy's, which are just as fancy. This pair has more color, which I love. My grandson asked if I can run faster in them. My response: No, but I look cool! In which he looked at me and smiled. I wonder what that meant? He is 4 and 1/2, he tells everyone. However I did tell him he is now
4 and 3/4 and he thought that was cool!

Another shot!

This is a book I had put together for the girls in the family and some friends girls. I happen to do this to keep myself busy while my husband was having surgery for his cancer. It was good therapy for me to have something to work on. Then be able to use it as gifts. Each of the covers were custom for each child.

This is the first page in the book.

This is one of the pages in the book. I will not show you every page, it has quite a few. I also put blank pages in so that they could draw and add pictures to make it their own. I loved this page.

The girls loved filling in the blanks. I also gave them each stickers and colored pencils to add their own flare to the book.
When I finished the original book, I then took it to the printers and had them print 30 copies of the book. I brought them home and started to make the covers and then bound each one. I loved the way they turned out. The kids really enjoyed them, along with their parents. Some parents did not let their kids use this book unattended (you know who you are) because they did not want any mistakes or scribbles in it. They wanted it for a keepsake. How funny is that? I wish the pictures were better, but I think you get the idea.

On to other business. Tina my dog. She got a haircut. Finally! She looked like a long haired fur ball before. Now she looks like a Yorkie again. See the pink bow? Yeah that lasted all of
3.4 minutes.

Here is a picture of the other dog in the house (kei kei) getting all tough, thinking this was a new dog in the house. Goof ball was barking and smelling up a storm. It was to funny. This happens every time I take Tina in to get her haircut. Kei Kei thinks it is a new dog.

Well that's it for this evening, be back soon.
Go get inky!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Box is Back

This is gonna be a long post. So go grab a cup of coffee or pop and enjoy. I'll be here waiting. Okay are ya ready. Here is the inside top of the box. This is my a picture of My fathers parents on their wedding day and the other 2 pictures are of my dad. Again I used the 7 gypsies papers. A piece of graphic 45. The oval frame is from K&Co. Flowers-prima.

Same picture, just a little different shading. No sun in Minnesota today. Hard to get a good picture.

Here is the first page on the inside of the box. All pictures are of my dad. Oh so cute. I love the one of him sitting on the stairs. He looks like Spanky from the little rascals show. Those of you old enough know who I am talking about. Just click on the picture to enlarge it. I used the 7 gypsies logo car on the layout, just cuz it looks good with the picture of my dad standing by the car. Added some old snaps at the bottom of the page, that's it. I will not go page by page but I did want to share at least part of the box.
Now on to the new. I tried something new for me. I worked with metal for the first time and this is what I did. Like I said, 1st time. I think I need to read more. Or practice. We will see what the future holds. Just something new.

Speaking of new, look out my backdoor.................Awe.........Babies..ok, they are geese but still.............babies...................Awe.......................

Come on, they are cute when they are all yellow and fluffy. Awe..............................
Okay you guys are tough. How about something else new. Farris had cereal for the first time.
Awe......................that's cute...............right?
Yeah, were still working with that. She just is not liking it a whole lot. But the Dr said she is to small and to active she needs more food.
So that about sums up everything new for now. Except, my father has been in contact with a relative from Norway that he did not know he had and he is very excited about that. My dad just turned 80 in March and never had any brothers or sisters, so finding someone on his fathers side has been very exciting for him. So Lena if your reading this, I am giving you a big Hello from your new family here in the states. Oh heck, how about a hug while I'm at it. Thanks for checking in with Dad, he is loving it.
Well I have kept everyone long enough, so I am off to create, scratch that, I am off to bed to dream of something to create.
Talk to you all soon. Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

About Time

About time I get back to show you the box. This is the top of the box. I used 7 Gypsies paper, Tim Holtz corners, key hole and the book plate is also Tim Holtz's. The flower is grunge paper.

Here is a closer look at the book plate. I put a photo of my dad in it. I think it looks really good in it. I used plastic from the package of book plates for my covering over the picture. (recycle)
Here is the flower. I stamped the flower on the back side, cut it out, turned it over and inked, glimmer misted, then stamped with french writing. I used an old token and stitched on to center.
This is the inside of the box. I have not done anything on the inside yet. I cut the paper and put them in but that is it.

Here are just a few of the pages.

Spring has sprung here in Minnesota. This may be the reason why I have not updated in a while. It has been warmer here and I am seeing things out my front and back yards that make me want to be outside. This is one of the things I spotted out my backyard, it's a Egret, fishing.

Here is a surprise I found in my front yard. Do you see what I see? It's a little baby bunny. Soooooo Cute! Although I have to say this little cute thing scared the living daylights out of me. I was sitting on the front steps with my grand baby Farris and this little cutie rustled around and I had just caught it out of the side of my eye and didn't quite know what it was at first.

Speaking of Farris, she is growing fast. She is rolling over already! She just got this new toy to play with and boy does she like it. She is such a happy baby! She always brings the sunshine out.

Look at me!

Well what do you think, did this long post make up for lost time? I guess I got caught up on a few things and will get back to work. Till then, have a great day.