
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Should we start with a sneak peek or some fun makers at Michael's?
Sneak Peek!

This is a box, oh I forgot it is a sneak peek, I guess I should not tell you what it is. Okay then, this is something that will be done very soon and I will show you the whole thing, inside and out. I forgot it's a sneak peek, never mind.

On to other business! My sister and I were out last night, we went to Michael's and then my sister (can't take her anywhere) started to MONKEY AROUND! Look at her, just making her MONKEY CALLS and swinging her tail like it was no ones business.


Check out this face! Does kinda resemble a monkey. Then she had to go and get....................

CATTY on me! How funny is that.

Then she meowed out.

Yep, this is what silly sisters do when they go to Michael's.
Now mind you we were not out drinking before this.

Notice to all: No Monkeys or Cats were hurt during this visit, however the serious crafters thought we were nuts!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Do not look if you do not want to see before tonight!
I have been playing. I have had a fun and messy time. I have been playing around with gesso and distress inks and masks and stamping and grunge paper. What do you get when you use these? This! I used gesso over a sheet of vintage music, I applied it with cheese cloth. Just put it here and there. I let the gesso dry. Well I kind of hurried that by using the heat gun. Then I applied Ranger Distress, Broken China over entire area. After that I put one of Tim Holtz's mini masks on and again used Ranger Distress ink, this time peeled paint. I kind of dabbed around the mask and blended into the area.

I love the texture that the gesso created. Do you see the white spots? This is where I of spritzed water onto the backround with my fingers. I love this look. I really want to play with this for a larger project. I really liked this. But for now, this is for my ATC's.
I then stamped the word butterfly randomly on the page. I outlined the masked image. You could leave it or outline as I did, or leave just as is, it is your choice.
Couple different shots.
Here is the card with the butterflies on it. The butterflies were stamped on grunge paper and the sprayed with glimmer mist (tattered angels). I then used my new favorite toy. The Tim Holtz's Mini Attacher. I love this mini stapler. Did I tell you I love this thing. It goes through so easy. Very easy to hold and use. I love it! I don't know that I like the card as much with the butterflies as I did just plain. But I think that is because I really loved the technique for the backround.
Now on to Baby Watch!
Yep the Easter Bunny came and went and this is what Farris looked like after all the eggs were found and the candy had been taken out of the eggs. Who is she calling? Well the Easter Bunny, of course. She wants her candy that was not in her eggs!

Off to play! Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What I did on Monday

This is the reason I had some stand in artist for the weekend. I had some baby shower invites that had to get done. The new mom wanted something different. You know how it is always ducks, bottles and little outfits. So this is what I came up with, she loves them. The mat was stamped with Ranger's Distress Embossing Ink (love that stuff). Just let it dry and it just shades the paper where you have stamped the image. I used the Cricut for the die cut. (new arrival) I had forgotten how many pieces this image had. Hat, shoes, purse, purse flap, pants, shirt, hair and of course the body. Which is not an issue until you have to put those shoes on. You know pregnant women always have swollen feet. Just kidding, but the shoes are small. So I finished these and out the door they went.
On to the next subject, I got this in the mail yesterday! Oh what fun! I have been waiting a while for these. Do you all know what they are?

They are my engraved #5280

Fiskars scissors! Very exciting, I am officially a fisk-a-teer. Now do not mistake that for anything like a mouse-ka-teer that is totally a different thing. Although I would love to be one of those. I love Disney. My wish is someday to go without kids. How fun would that be. I mean don't get me wrong, love kids. But I want to go to everything and not get pushed out of the picture with Mickey cuz they want him to themselves. Sorry got off track there. A Fisk-a-teer is a person who is willing to help others and teach others, and share the love of crafting with others. Yep that's me. Always willing to help and teach.

And of course last but not least, it is baby Farris, sleeping like a baby. Oh that's right she is a baby. I keep including her in my blog because of the comments I get about her. Yeah, I get comments, however the are in my Email box and not in the comment section. What is up with that. It's okay you can comment in the comment section. Just giving you guys a hard time. As long as I know you are reading it don't matter if you comment in the comment section.

Have a Super Day! The sun is shinning here, that makes for a happy day here in Minn-e-so-ta!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Ahhhhhhhh Spring, the sunshine, the glimmer of the sun on the pond, a fresh breeze, yes that is spring. So what do you call This? Oh I forgot, you call this Minnesota!
Okay I have 2 new featured artist today. James and Clara. They are my little artist, they love to create the cutest presents for me. So the first is two wooden frames, with great colors. The colors are fabulous. The technique is quite colorful, on top of the paint they opted for some gold glitter. Then Clara finished hers off with some bling. James, however went with a different approach, he went for the painted wood objects. Then to make the frames really pop, add the favorite picture and what do you have? A wonderful work of art!
Now this next piece is just a one of a kind. A heart with Clara's hand stamped in the middle. This one of a kind will be in my heart forever. The colors, who knew pink, purple, orange, and fuchsia would look so good together.
Next, James also used the same technique with a choice of very bold colors. Reds, greens, yellow and his favorite, blue.
James did this fabulous flower pot. The tulip was just the extra color this pot needed. Don't you think? Mothers and Grandmothers all over would love a special little pot like these, for that up and coming holiday. These little artist know all those special holiday tricks.
Clara's take on the same idea, was more color on the pot and less on the plant. Clara chose a pansy for her plant, which coordinated lovely with her pot she had painted. What a great job Clara!

So when thinking of those special moments and gifts. My artist always say, "Make it homemade and they will love it", and they hint sometimes you should ask someone what their favorite color is because you can use it when you color or paint. So thank you to my very special guest artists, James and Clara, I hope you can show us more of your work in the future.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A little old and new

I was looking at some old (4 yrs. old) pictures and came across these paintings that I had done at our old home. I had painted birds all over in the room. These are my two favorites. I also did a birdbath with a little finch drinking from it and a momma robin in a nest feeding her just hatched babies.

Here is a bunny picture with all my little baby bunnies. Is this cute or what? I just love that they put Farris in the basket. I just had to share.

Have a great day!